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Philippines + 1 more

ASEAN Weekly Disaster Update Week 31, 02 – 08 Aug 2021



For the thirty-first (31st) week of 2021, a total of 4 disasters (3 floods and 1 wind-related) affected the region. Indonesia has reportedly been affected.
Strong winds in Cimahi City in West Java and flooding in North Luwu in South Sulawesi and Cilegon City in Banten was reported by Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB). The flooding in North Luwu Regency in South Sulawesi was identified to have been caused by heavy rainfall and the overflowing of Masamba and Lamoa Rivers in Masamba, Bone Bone and South Sumakaju Subdistricts, respectively.


Localised heavy rainfall that have caused the overflowing of rivers in Banten and multiple subdistricts in North Luwu Regency in South Sulawesi have affected 1.8K people according to the reports from BNPB. Latest reports indicate that floods in these areas have already receded.
As of 6 Aug 2021, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) reported that the effects of the Southwest Monsoon in seven (7) regions of the Philippines has reached 1.06M affected persons, 1 death, 2 missing, 255.7K displaced into 135 evacuation centres, 371 damaged houses, 102 damaged roads, and damages to infrastructure and agriculture amounting to 7.48M USD. In response, 55.4K USD worth of assistance have already been provided to those affected by the effects of the Southwest Monsoon.