This report covers the period 1 January to 30 June 2011
In brief
Programme purpose: Through programmes under this country plan, IFRC is supporting Philippine Red Cross (PRC) to realize the strategic aims and enabling actions relating to Strategy 2020. In implementing programme activities, the National Society is not only bolstering its capacity to deliver services, but also strengthening local communities and their coping mechanisms. The ultimate purpose is to contribute toward the three outcomes of Strategy 2020: save lives, protect livelihoods, and strengthen recovery from disaster and crises; enable healthy and safe living, and; promote social inclusion and a culture of non-violence and peace.
Programme summary: In the first half of the year, the focus of the disaster management programmes was on enhancing water and land search-and-rescue capacity of the national society. This was in the view of placing PRC in a better position to respond swiftly to future potential disasters and consequently contribute to saving lives. In total nine teams, comprising 54 persons – six persons per chapter or team – were formed, trained and equipped. Six of these were under this annual appeal programme and three within the context of an ongoing emergency appeal operation.
In the health and care programme, the national society reached 1,290 households with health education/health messages and undertook HIV awareness and prevention education to the benefit of some 7,800 persons in six chapters. The sessions were complemented with distribution of information, education and communication (IEC) materials. During the same period, PRC collaborated with the department of health (DOH) in undertaking a vaccination campaign against measles. Through these joint efforts, some 113,200 children in nine chapters were vaccinated against measles.
Organizational development and capacity building work in the first semester focused on taking forward customization of the enterprise resource planning (ERP) system – Microsoft Dynamics NAV – which PRC installed in 2010. Training and familiarization of key staff at the national headquarters continued. IFRC undertook a review of PRC’s logistics capacity. The review report recommended several improvements needed in logistics core area, including procurement, warehousing and fleet management.
Exposition of the Fundamental Principles and humanitarian values formed an integral part of all programmes.
Mostly, Red Cross youth promoted the Fundamental Principles and humanitarian values as they participated in different forums relating to substance abuse prevention education (SAPE) and HIV and AIDS prevention education (HAPE).
Meanwhile, through this mid-year report, the country plan is being revised to reflect the direction PRC has charted for the remaining period of the year. The budget remains unchanged. Through programmes outlined in this revision, IFRC will support PRC in enhancing the scale, quality, and reach of its services to the benefit of vulnerable people. Through the programme components outlined below, the National Society will not only bolster its capacity to deliver services, but also strengthen local communities and their coping mechanisms, thereby contributing the outcome of saving lives, protecting livelihoods, strengthening recovery from disasters and crises, and enable healthy and safe living.
Financial situation: The total budget for 2011 is CHF 786,385, of which CHF 399,739 (or 51 per cent) is covered. Overall expenditure was CHF 177,550 (or 23 per cent of the budget).
No. of people reached: Direct beneficiaries of the disaster management programme were 54 staff and volunteers who were trained in search-and-rescue. The health and care programme reached a total of 127,450 persons, i.e. 6,450 persons (1,290 households) with health education, 113,230 children with measles vaccinations, and 7,800 persons with HIV and AIDS awareness sessions.
Our partners: Thus far, support to the country plan has been made possible through funds carried over from previous emergency appeals. Funding came from the Department for International Development (DFID) and Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
As regards disaster response, the following Movement stakeholders have supported IFRC efforts: American Red Cross; Australian Red Cross; Austrian Red Cross; British Red Cross; Canadian Red Cross Society/Canadian government; Danish Red Cross; Finnish Red Cross/Finnish government, Hong Kong branch of the Red Cross Society of China; Icelandic Red Cross; Irish Red Cross Society; Japanese Red Cross Society; Republic of Korea National Red Cross Netherlands Red Cross, New Zealand Red Cross;
Norwegian Red Cross; Red Crescent Society of the Islamic Republic of Iran; Red Cross of Monaco; Swedish Red Cross/Swedish government; and Red Crescent Society of the United Arab Emirates. Other contributors include the European Commission Directorate General Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (DG ECHO), the Italian government, OPEC, VERF/WHO and private foundations and corporations.
On behalf of PRC, IFRC would like to thank all partners and contributors for their response to programmes and operations in the Philippines. Donors and partners are encouraged to provide further funding support to enable the national society to meet the outcomes of the revised plan.