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WFP Peru Country Brief, December 2023


In Numbers

  • USD 0.204 m cash-based transfers made*

  • USD 7.2 m six months (January - June 2024) net funding requirements, representing 43 percent of total.

  • 3,519 people assisted* in December 2023

*Preliminary figures

Operational Updates

  • In December, WFP assisted over 429 established migrants and Peruvians through cash-based transfers (CBT) as part of its migrant crisis operation. WFP provides a monthly transfer for three months adapted to family size (transfer value from USD 100 to USD 350) for migrants residing in the country.

  • WFP also assisted 3,088 in-transit migrants at northern and southern borders and one transit region with a one-off value voucher to improve access to prepared food and basic hygiene items, covering fourteen days.

  • At the border with Bolivia, WFP is implementing a six-month pilot of a new payment solution that will enable people on the move to receive assistance even when they cross international borders. ‘Rescue Card’ offers people the opportunity to make purchases at any Point of Sale and withdraw cash from any ATM in Peru and other countries. It started in November and by the end of December, a total of 435 households spent USD 42,728 from the cards. Of this amount, 42.1% was used for ATM withdrawals, and 57.9% was utilized at various merchants, primarily for food and transportation. Additionally, 109 households were able to use the Rescue Card in more than one country.

  • WFP facilitated the prepositioning of 166 metric tons of humanitarian items for the National Institute of Civil Defence (INDECI), as part of anticipatory measures for the imminent El Niño phenomenon

  • WFP provided technical and logistical assistance to address the food emergency in Lima declared on 31 January 2023. WFP transported 306 mt of food for the Lima Foundation to assist in Lima’s peri-urban areas, 32,000 households making use of 1,962 community kitchens. In addition, WFP also transported 284 mt of food and non-food items for other humanitarian partners from the agroindustry to assist 11,400 households.