In Numbers
USD 5.2 m six months net funding requirements
Operational Updates
• The COVID-19 state of emergency has been extended until 30 September 2020. Targeted quarantine remains in place.
• WFP subscribed field level agreements with three international NGOs to advance with its cash-based response for vulnerable Venezuelan migrants and vulnerable local population affected by the COVID-19 crisis.
• As part of the virtual commemoration of the World Humanitarian Day, INDECI presented awards to humanitarian partners, including WFP, for their valuable support for the COVID-19 emergency response. WFP's support for logistics operations was highly praised.
• The WFP Country Director and PAHO/WHO Representative jointly conducted an official visit to Ancash for the inauguration of a new call centre to assist COVID-19 cases managed by the Regional Health Directorate. They also met with regional government authorities and distributed PPE and hygiene kits.
• WFP and the Secretariat of the UN Network for SUN (Scaling Up Nutrition) completed the Nutrition Stakeholder and Action Mapping in Peru, the first SUN country in Latin America to do so, with the support of a multidisciplinary technical committee and five ministries.
• WFP participated in a national dialogue organized by the National Round Table for the Fight Against Poverty to discuss the impact of the current COVID-19 context on food security and nutrition.
• Through its Wiñantsik Project, WFP distributed hygiene kits to 17 health centres in the Ancash region.
• WFP’s PROSAN Project supported the first Agro-ecological Fair in Sechura in coordination with the local municipality enabling smallholder farmers to directly market their products.
• WFP started implementing virtual learning groups in three schools in Ventanilla as part of its strategy to promote healthy nutrition at schools. An additional eight schools in Sechura will also take part in this initiative.