While chronic child malnutrition fell over the last decade, anaemia has experienced an upward trend since 2011, affecting 43 percent of children.
High exposure to recurring disasters threatens the food security of vulnerable populations.
The presidential elections could influence the management of public programmes. The second round of elections will be held in on 5 June 2016.
Operational Updates
Under its Disaster Risk Management focus, WFP together with the Peruvian Civil Defense (INDECI) led an inter-agency emergency food security assessment in the regions of Arequipa, Puno, San Martin and Piura to determine the impact of events related to the El Niño phenomenon on the food security of vulnerable populations. The assessment showed that government preparedness activities in flood-prone areas helped prevent major disasters and identified population in need of government assistance in the Andean regions, who have lost crop and cattle due to low temperatures.
A policy evaluation mission visited the Country Office to evaluate the implementation of WFP capacity building policies. The mission included meetings with government counterparts for capacity building, such as INDECI, the Ministry of Social Development and Inclusion, as well as a visit to WFP projects. This mission will serve to finalize WFP´s policy on capacity building.
In Sechura, WFP trained government officials in charge of local and regional social development programmes on Management for Results of Food Security Programmes. This workshop strengthened their capacities to run effective programmes, based on a methodology tying budget planning to desired outcomes.
In partnership with the Ministry of Social Development and Inclusion, WFP launched a cost-benefit analysis of the national school feeding programme Qali Warma to quantify its value as a social protection tool.