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UNICEF Peru Humanitarian Situation Report No.1, Reporting Period: 1 March to 4 April 2023



  • Since early March, the impact of intense rains and Cyclone Yaku has caused flooding and landslides throughout the country, particularly in the northern coast and Lima. Therefore, on March 12th, a National State of Emergency Decla[1]ration was issued for 60 days due to a large-scale disaster in the regions of Tumbes, Piura, and Lambayeque (Supreme Decree N ° 043-2023-PCM), where the highest number of affected populations is concentrated. On 25 March, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs requested support from the United Nations in managing the emergency and addressing the humanitarian needs of the population.

  • As of April 06, the National Institute of Civil Defense (INDECI) reported more than 241 thousand people affected nationwide, including around 70,000 chil[1]dren and adolescents, and more than 95,000 homes affected, destroyed, or uninhabitable across the country, since the beginning of the year. These figures represent 47% of the data processed so far by INDECI. The estimates made by OCHA and confirmed by the government, reach 517,000 affected persons, including 148,000 children and adolescents.

  • The Ministry of Education has reported 505 educational institutions (1,200 classes) affected and 7,503 under evaluation for possible impact nationwide, representing 45,000 Children.

  • There is great concern about limitations in access to safe water and the impact on water distribution systems. Also, MINSA has reported 275 health centers affected and maintains its services on high alert nationwide to prevent outbreaks of diseases such as acute diarrheal disease (ADD), acute respira[1]tory infection (ARI), dengue and malaria.