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Peru – Severe Weather (ECHO Daily Flash of 16 September 2015)

Peru - Severe weather (ECHO, REDLAC, INDECI)

  • Low temperatures and snowfall affected at least 480 000 people in nine regions of central and southern Peru over the last few months, 1 200 people were homeless, nearly 130 000 ha of crops were damaged, and eight people died in Puno and Pasco regions as of 14 September, according to REDLAC.

  • 175 000 people were affected in Apurimac, 82 400 in Cusco, 76 700 in Huancavelica, 40 900 in Ayucucho, 4 300 Pasco and 4 000 in Tacna, according to the latest reports of the National Institute of Civil Defense (INDECI).

  • Almost 1 million animals died because of the snow and the cold weather.