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Peru: Rainy season - Situation Report No. 12 (as of 27 June 2017)


This report was prepared by the OCHA team in collaboration with the partners of the National Humanitarian Network (RHN). It covers the period from 27 May to 27 June 2017.


  • INDECI report to date indicates that more than 1.7 million people have been affected and severely affected in the country as a result of rains and floods

  • The departments with the largest number of people affected and severely affected are La Libertad (26.4% of the total), Piura (24.9%),
    Lambayeque (11%) and Áncash (8%).

  • Approximately 31,339 houses were reported collapsed and 25,684 houses are uninhabitable.

  • 62,000 cases of dengue are reported at national level. Piura, with 41,873 cases, is the most affected department.

  • In Piura, about 12,000 people continue to live in collective sites or camps.

  • The State of Emergency is in force for the regions of Tumbes, Lambayeque, Ancash, Cajamarca, La Libertad, and the National State of Emergency remains in effect in Piura.

  • The government is planning the reconstruction process, led by the National Authority for Reconstruction with Changes.

Affected persons (1’426,753) and severely affected persons (291,578) at national level.

Affected persons (335,499) and severely affected persons (92,896) in Piura.

Affected and severely affected children and adolescents

Affected provinces at national level

Affected districts at national level

Persons remaining in 34 collective sites or camps in Piura department

Situation Overview

National situation

Damage assessments by local and regional governments, consolidated by INDECI, are up to 95.2% at June 23, the figures for the departments most affected are:

The consolidated report of INDECI informs that since December 2016 to date, 3,964 emergencies have been registered nationwide due to the rainy season in the country, 70% of which correspond to emergencies due to heavy rains. As a result of emergencies, 1,223 districts in 184 provinces nationwide have been affected. To date the regions of Cajamarca, Áncash, Lambayeque and La Libertad are maintained with Declaratory State of Emergency by disaster as a result of heavy rains and the region Piura is maintained with Declaration of State of National Emergency.

The Government, through its three levels, is in the process of gathering information and assessing damages. Technical assessments of the Informal Property Formalization Agency (COFOPRI) and identification of risk areas by the National Center for Estimation, Prevention and Disaster Risk Reduction (CENEPRED) are key to the reconstruction process.

The Authority for Reconstruction with Changes (RCC) is developing the Integral Reconstruction Plan, which will be presented to the country in August.

The Multisectoral Commission in charge of the National Study of the "El Niño" Phenomenon - ENFEN, through the Official Communication ENFEN N ° 10 - 2017, concluded that the El Niño Coastal event ended in May and considered more likely the development of neutral conditions in the remainder of the year.

The trend of the flow rate of the rivers of the coast of the country is decreasing, typical of the period of transition to the dry season. The reservoirs of the northern and southern coasts mostly have reserves close to 100% of their hydraulic capacity, the Jequetepeque and Zarumilla Water Management Authority (AAA) reports to June 21 that the reservoirs of Gallito Ciego and Tinajones have reached Its maximum capacity of volume, while the reservoirs of Poechos and San Lorenzo are at of 98% and 97% of their useful volume, respectively.


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