This SITREP covers the period from 11/04/11 to 15/05/12.
• Several Emergency States declared by the National Government have ended in the last few weeks. It will probably be necessary to extend the duration of it for the Loreto region since the interventions of rehabilitation still go on.
• Amazonian rivers are slowly dropping their flow, it is therefore expected that this process will continue the next weeks.
• Between November 2011 and May 15, 2012, INDECI has reported 56 dead persons, 9 missing persons, 107 injured persons, 278.804 more affected persons and 535,754 affected persons in a lesser extent, making a grand total de 809,838 affected persons.
• In Loreto region, INDECI reported 188,607 more affected persons and 68736 affected persons in a lesser extent, making a total of 257,343 affected persons.
• The number of affected persons at national level increased compared to the reports of April, mostly due to the fact that damages that could not be registered before are being reported from remote areas, but also because of emergencies of the period.
• The Central Government continued to provide humanitarian assistance and presence, especially in the regions declared in a state of emergency, and strengthened the action of the Regional Governments.
• The Peruvian Government has not appealed for international help. However, it is still open to the possibility of cooperation on humanitarian help with national, regional and local authorities. Moreover, contributions from the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF), and the European Commission have been approved.