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Peru: floods and landslides Situation Report Nº 02


The UNDAC Team in Lima prepares this report. It is developed in collaboration with the partners from the Humanitarian Country Team. It covers the period from March 19th to 22th, 2017. The next report will be published around March 26th, 2017


  • 2 departments have been declared under state of Emergency due to the impact of rainfall and one due to imminent danger after the gradual increase in the flow of Amazonian rivers. The state of Emergency covers 748 counties from 1800.

  • 7 departments have been declared under state of Sanitary Emergency due to worsening health risks.

  • The National Humanitarian Network, led by the National Institute of Civil Defense (INDECI) and the United Nations System in Peru, has activated its emergency protocol in order to complement state response.

  • A UNDAC team composed by 10 international experts has been deployed to support the United Nations country team with coordination and information management issues.

  • The Prime Minister chairs the meetings of the National Disaster Risk Management Council (CONAGERD) in the context of the emergency

Overview of the situation

Persistent rains continue in the northern and central parts of the country. The National Meteorological and Hydrological Service (SENAMHI) has declared a red alert for heavy rains on the north and central coast of the country until Saturday, March 25th.The latest report of the National Institute of Civil Defense (INDECI) reports 111,283 severely affected, 672,892 affected, 270 injured, 20 missing and 85 people killed. The highest numbers of deaths are recorded in the departments of Arequipa (17), La Libertad (13), Ayacucho and Cusco (8 in each region), Huancavelica, Piura, Cajamarca and Lima (6 in each region), Ancash and Lambayeque (3 in each region), Junin (2) and Huanuco, Moquegua, Pasco, Puno, San Martin and Tacna (1 in each region).

Regarding social infrastructure, 13,072 homes have collapsed, 14,014 are uninhabitable and 153,329 have been affected. In addition, 35 educational institutions have collapsed, 416 are uninhabitable and 1,256 are affected. 11 health facilities have collapsed, 17 are uninhabitable and 70 are affected.
The Emergency Operations Center (COE Health) reports that staff of the Ministry of Health (MINSA) have carried out 13,172 care services in 370 districts of eleven regions declared in emergency. In addition, it reports that of the 3,722 health facilities that are in the emergency zones, about 99% are operational and supplied with essential medicines.

Concerning road infrastructure, 2,192 km of road have been destroyed and 4,286 km are partially affected. In addition, 933 km of rural roads have been destroyed and 4,999 km are partially affected. 195 bridges have been destroyed and 319 are affected by torrential rains on a national scale. This situation has generated limitations in terrestrial transportation and has affected the connection between populations.

In the department of La Libertad, intense rains activated the San Idelfonso creek and flooded the city of Trujillo again. This is the seventh similar episode occurring in Trujillo during the rainy season.
The President of the Republic, Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, is visiting the affected areas; in recent days he visited the region of La Libertad, in order to verify the state of the emergency, as well as to evaluate the progress of the actions provided by his Government to care for the victims. On the 22nd, he arrived in Huarmey (department of Ancash) to supervise the response of the local and regional government.

As of Monday, March 20th, the United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination (UNDAC)
Team is located in Peru. The 10-member UNDAC Team has established its operations center at the United Nations facilities in Peru. Missions have been deployed to the most affected areas of the departments of Piura, Lambayeque and Lima until 27th March for the coordination of the MultiSector Initial Rapid Assessment MIRA) in conjunction with members of the National Humanitarian Network. The analysis of the evaluation will make it possible to determine the severity of the crisis and the priority areas of attention.