A. Situation Analysis
On 23 March 2015, flash floods and landslides, which are recurring events, affected the central highlands in the country. Additionally, due to the geomorphology of the area landslides occurred affecting several houses. The first area to be affected was the district of Lurigancho Chosica in the province of Lima from the overflowing of the following creeks: Pedregal, Carossio, Rayos del Sol, Quirio, San Antonio, California, La Trinchera, Buenos Aires, La Cantuta, Moyopampa, La Libertad and Mariscal Castilla; an emergency was declared in the District of Chosica. At about 17:30 hours that same day, heavy storms caused the Cashahuacra, Tres Cruces, Las Monjas, Cuculi, Rayos del Chingolay, Acopaya and Pomaticla creeks in the district of Santa Eulalia to overflow, as well as the 9 de Octubre and Cupiche creeks in the district of Ricardo Palma and the Buenos Aires creek in the district of Santa Cruz de Cocachacra; this caused landslides that affected homes and roads in the province of Huarochirí, mainly in the district of Santa Eulalia. On 25 March, an emergency was declared for 45 days.
The Lurigancho-Chosica district is located in eastern part of the province of Lima in the middle basin of the Rímac River. It borders the province of Huarochirí to the north and east, the districts of Chaclacayo and Ate to the south and the district of San Juan de Lurigancho to the west. Located on the banks of the Rímac River, it shares the Rímac River valley with the districts of Ate and Chaclacayo. The district, which sits 850 meters above sea level, has a registered population of 169,359, of whom only 14,288 have SIS (Comprehensive Health Insurance). The Santa Eulalia district is one of the 32 districts in the province of Huarochirí in the department of Lima. It is located in the upper area of the Mala River Valley on a plateau that extends to the west to the Pariakaka Mountains.
The event caused damage to livelihoods, health, housing and roads. The lower levels of dwellings in the areas most affected by the landslide, Carossio, Rayos del Sol, Buenos Aires and Moyopampa, are completely covered with mud, and public transport vehicles are trapped in material dragged down by the landslide. Reports during the initial phase state that nine people have died, six are missing and more than 25 are injured. The sewer system has collapsed entirely and its contents are seeping to the surface and mixing with the landslide material. Seventy per cent of the water service is down since the system has been affected in several sectors.
Homes in Santa Eulalia are in a similar situation due to the landslides that affected 90 families. Electricity is partially down in both districts as most electrical poles were affected. Access to these areas is partially blocked by landslides.
According to information provided by health personnel in health facilities, mobile care teams from the National Defense Office and Red Cross personnel deployed to the area. Water shortages have prevented the provision of optimal care to patients in health care posts. People have sustained injuries (cuts, wounds and other trauma) stemming from cleanup efforts, as well as cases of diarrhea, dermatitis, bruises and insect bites. Even though there is limited sector information available, MINSA's epidemiological surveillance system is being implemented in order to supply this type of information. Exact data regarding the number of pregnant women, older adults, children under 5 years of age, and of people suffering from chronic illnesses, mental health illnesses or in vulnerable condition will be obtained from detailed health assessments and the census of beneficiaries in the specific targeted sector. There are no activities being developed in regard to post-disaster disease prevention or proper hygiene and water handling.
Stock warehouses in the landslide areas have been affected and there is no market nearby for supplies. Local transportation was interrupted by damage to access roads, reducing incomes and posing risks to transport vehicles.
The central market is operating normally; in some cases, the price of foodstuffs with higher demand has increased due to their scarcity.
No new rains or landslides have been reported in the area so far; although, Peru's Hydrology and Meteorology Service has forecast more rain for the area.