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Peru: Flooding Situation Report No. 08 (As of 11 July 2023)


This report is prepared by the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), in collaboration with the Office of the Resident Coordinator, the agencies, funds and programs of the United Nations System, information from member organisations of the National Humanitarian Network (NHN) and information provided by the Government of Peru. It covers the period from 25 June to 10 July.


  • With 81 per cent of damage records tallied, the Government reports that there are now 801,425 people in need of assistance since the start of the rainy season in January, an increase of 35,644 people since Situation Report No. 7 (10 June)1. Of this group, 113,367 people have been rendered homeless and 688,058 have been affected. Additionally, 45,101 homes have been either destroyed or rendered uninhabitable.2

  • Food, water, sanitation and hygiene services, health, protection and the situation of 1,350 people in 24 shelters3 both official and makeshift, remain priority needs, according to the NHN Shelter Sector Working Group.

  • The dengue epidemic, driven by the impacts of torrential rains and a major heat wave, has reached a record 161,471 cases and 287 deaths4 - the highest dengue fever death rate per capita in the Americas5. The Ministry of Health (MINSA) reports that the epidemiological curve has decreased for the fifth consecutive week, even in the most affected regions along the northern coast.6.

  • On 5 July, the Multisectoral Commission in charge of the National Study of the El Niño Phenomenon (ENFEN), a Government body, confirmed the high likelihood that the warming of coastal waters, known in Peru as El Niño Costero, will continue through the summer of 2024 at a strong to moderate level.• Peru's Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) announced the investment of nearly US$827.4 million to finance prevention and risk reduction measures ahead of a possible El Niño event. Similarly, the Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation (MVCS) announced $47.1 million worth in preparedness infrastructure works in Piura, while the Ministry of Education (MINEDU) will invest $18.4 million towards the maintenance of education facilities in the northern regions.

  • The implementation of emergency response projects backed by the UN Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) is progressing according to plan. To date, about 15 per cent of the funds have been implemented and almost 50 per cent of additional funds have been committed.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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