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Peru: Earthquake OCHA Situation Report No. 14

This situation report is based on information received from UN Agencies, the UN Emergency Technical Team (UNETT) in Peru and the Peruvian Civil Defense.


- INDECI reports that on 2 September, the Regional Committees of Civil Defence (CRDC) of Huancavelica and Castrovirreyna distributed 15 TM of humanitarian aid to 13 Provincial Committees of the mentioned areas. The humanitarian aid consisted on tents, blankets, hygiene kits, food and medicines.

- Caritas Peru, World Vision and Care with the support of USAID are providing 2,500 temporary shelter solutions.

- Environmental experts associated with the UNDAC team from CENACID - Centro de Apoio Científico em Desastres - UFPR (Brazil) had identified two potential environmental issues of concern: hospital waste and waste being dumped on the beach in a natural reserve.


1. At 11:40:58 PM UTC/GMT (Greenwich time) 6:34:56 PM local time on August 15, an earthquake measuring 7.9 degrees in the Richter scale struck in the Department of Ica. The epicenter was 25 miles (61 kilometers) west-northwest of Chincha Alta, Peru, and 90 miles (161 kilometers) south-southeast of Lima, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The epicenter was 30.2 km depth (18.8 miles). The effects were also strongly felt in Lima.

2. Consolidated and complete data on damage to housing stock and families in the whole affected areas is not available yet. Assessment teams of INEI supported by UNFPA are expected to end up with a final census this week. The last official report issued by the National Institute of Civil Defense (INDECI) informs on the situation up to 30 August, 22:00 hrs:

Deaths already officially certified
Houses destroyed*
Houses affected
Hospitals destroyed*
Hospitals affected

(*according to Peruvian Government preliminary assessments)


1. INDECI reports that on 2 September, the Regional Committees of Civil Defence (CRDC) of Huancavelica and Castrovirreyna distributed 15 TM of humanitarian aid to 13 Provincial Committees of the mentioned areas. The humanitarian aid consisted on tents, blankets, hygiene kits, food and medicines.

2. Still on 2 September, two trucks with 34 TM of humanitarian aid has left the seaport of Callao and delivered it on the same day to the CRDC in Ica.

3. INDECI also reports that the programme "A Roof for my Country" will build 300 shelters in five areas of Pisco: Lisera, Bencilla, Zárate, Santa Clara and San Emilio. As for Lisera and Bencilla, the construction has been finished.


4. On 3 September, FAO reports to have begun the distribution of seeds and of modules for the production of vegetables as well as the rehabilitation of more than 400 irrigation pipelines in the 11 most affected provinces, where more than 10,000 families will benefit. Furthermore, FAO has reported the support for the rehabilitation of fishing vessels and other fishing activities. FAO will distribute seeds that will benefit 520 families in Yauyos Province and 5,600 families in the Huancano, Humay, Independencia, San Clemente and Tupac Amaru provinces.

5. In coordination with the Ministry of Agriculture, FAO held talks with local authorities of Chincha and Pisco provinces in order to discuss information and needs of the rural population affected by the earthquake. On 1 September, FAO established an Internal Coordination Emergency Unit constituted by 12 technical officers responsible for the support of FAO projects in the field.

6. UNFPA has reported on 3 September that a mission to the city of Pisco was organized to monitor the progress of Census, implemented by the National Institute for Statistics and Information (INEI) with the support of UNFPA. The survey phase has begun on 29 September and is expected to be completed on 5 September. Preliminary results on the Population and Housing Census should be released by 11 September.

7. UNFPA is also budgeting USD10, 000 for the distribution of additional Dignity kits to the affected areas. Already UNFPA has allocated USD 25,000 and handed over to the Ministry of Women and Social Affairs (MIMDES) 6,500 dignity kits. On Sexual and Reproductive Health (RH), UNFPA has already allocated USD 50,000 from the CERF for the requisition of RH Emergency kits.

8. As of 1 September, WFP has distributed 1.943,77 MT of rice, wheat flour, vegetable oil, milk, sugar, canned fish, biscuits and High Energy Biscuits in Pisco, Ica, Chincha and Cañete. From this total amount, WFP loaned 405.7 MT to PRONAA for their distribution, 1,440 MT were purchased on behalf of the Government, and 98.07 MT were distributed by WFP as part of it's Immediate Response Emergency Operation (IR-EMOP).

9. WFP plans to start food distributions through several NGOs, and other UN agencies, such as FAO in rural areas and IOM in IDPs camps.WFP is in negotiation with FAO to start Food for Work activities for 4,000 families to replace the canals that have been damaged by the earthquake in Yauyos and Huancavelica, and is also negotiating with CARE to assist 630 families in rural areas of Hauncavelica.

10. WFP assisted with the delivery of cooking kits sent from the UN Humanitarian Relief Depot in Brindisi (Italy) to the municipality of Huancano. The majority of the PRONAA food, purchased by WFP, has been distributed in Pisco.

11. UNICEF reports that a working group on Education area has been formalized to complement working groups on shelter, Food, Health, Water and Sanitation.

12. On 3 September WHO/PAHO has reported that, as per table below, the total number of health attention provided is 56,110, being the majority concentrated in Pisco.

13. INDECI reports that IOM has donated 5,000 tents for the affected population.


14. The Regional Bureau for Education along with UNICEF's counsel has established main action guidelines to support the implementation of activities. Additionally, UNICEF will perform, in coordination with the Local Education Management Unit (UGEL) a school survey in Pisco and other areas to plan the location of temporary school facilities.

15. UNICEF, together with the Regional Bureau for Education, has started also the necessary coordination for the project "A Bridge to School" which will provide game-oriented, recreational and educational activities aimed at making the transition to school easier.

16. Two coordination meetings were held (30 and 31 August) at the OSOCC with participation of all main actors in this sector (Ministry of Education- Regional Director, UGEL, UNICEF, NGOs) the main points raised were as follows:

(f) Educational and recreation activities with children in priority shelter are planned to start the first week of September.

(g) Camp Managers in Pisco are providing a census of educators and children sheltered and will be providing space to install classroom tents.

(h) UNICEF will be training educators and teenagers for facilitating education and recreation activities in the shelters in Pisco.

(i) UNICEF has brought two specialists in WatSan for schools to help the national authorities in the assessment of over 130 damaged schools in the whole affected area.



16. Coordination meetings have been held between Ica's Health Bureau (DIRESA), Pisco's Health Network, the National Food Assistance Program (PRONAA) and the National Health Institute, through the National Food and Nutrition Center (CENAN). The Health Network in Pisco agreed to provide, starting 3 September, a team made up of 1 nutritionist, 1 nurse, and 2 health technicians who will work during the implementation and monitoring stages.

17. The distribution of fortified blended food for children under 3 years old to shelters will be carried out during ten days, based on storage capacity. The first 10 shelters to be included in the strategy have been identified. Distribution to the first group of 4 shelters was started and 279 children have been receiving fortified food since 30 August. Distribution to the next group of 6 shelters shall start 3-7 September


18. Some 30 scouts arrived in Pisco from Lima on 1 September to assist in psycho-social recovery activities. Activities were performed in the shelters of Teobaldo Pinillos, Santa Rosa, Villa Túpac Amaru and Nueva Alameda, where 200 children and teenagers participated.

19. The UNICEF team held a meeting with the mayor of Túpac Amaru District with the purpose of planning a strategy that will include the children of the families that are not living in the shelters, especially those belonging to the Casava area, where families have stayed to rebuild their houses. UNICEF has also hired a psychologist who will work in the hospital of Pisco to strengthen local emergency response capacity.


20. Regular meetings of the Health Sector (with representatives of the Ministry of Health and NGOs) continue in Pisco. The main concerns and action points are:

(a) 90% of hospital capacity in Pisco was destroyed. It is a priority getting hospital facilities in Pisco, mainly in paediatric services and maternity.

(b) There are two Cuban camp hospitals but only to cover two main shelters.

(c) Lack of personal hygiene due to reduced water supplies is producing skin infections and an increase in cases of diarrhoea, especially in children.


21. As of 31 August, the distribution of food out of the Pisco airbase was as follows:

- Seven UN trucks (30mt):

- One truck for transport of prefabricated houses for NGO "Un techo para mi país"

- Three trucks for various food items to the municipalities of Ica, Paracas and Guadalupe

- Three trucks for the pre-positioning of WFP High Energy Biscuits to Ica.

- Eight PRONAA trucks (33 mt) transporting diverse commodities, mostly to Castrovirreyna.

22. It must be noted that bottled water and clothes have been received in sufficient amount and such donations should not be sent to Pisco area, as it is creating unnecessary constraint to storage and transport. The main constraints in terms of logistics are still the lack of notification of incoming cargo and lack of distribution plans.

Water and Sanitation


23. WHO/PAHO reported that an estimation of the status of Pisco water pipelines will be possible in the next 15 days. WHO/PAHO continues to report lack of reliable information on water systems in rural areas. In Pisco the sanitation system has vastly collapsed, especially in the main water collection tracts, causing additional restrictions in the water supply system.

24. Human waste management is still critical in IDPs camps. Additionally, health providers in rural areas are also requesting latrines to cover needs in those zones, albeit there is a need to confirm information concerning the water and sanitation situation in rural areas.

25. Debris removal has been taking place at a slower pace due to the reduction in number of teams provided by private companies.

26. On 1 September, OSOCC reported that regular meetings have been organized with the presence of OXFAM, Action Against Hunger, Relief International, IFRC, INDECI, Ministry of Health and UNICEF. The main issues addressed were:

(a) The need for lab testing of water quality.

(b) Problems with water storage and distribution. The water supply is being resolved with tankers not suitable for drinkable water transportation.

(c) Lack of latrines and capacity for excretes treatment, mainly in shelters and schools.

(d) Safe water strategy for shelters decided by the Ministry of Health (MOH) (familiar 20 litre tanks, coloration of water and increase tanking capacity).


27. WHO/PAHO reports that the water systems have been re-established completely. However, information of the water systems in rural areas is still unavailable. Water collection tracts are currently under repair. Yet no assessment has been made on the status of sanitation services in the peripheries and rural areas.



28. With the support of WFP, the situation at the Pisco airbase has improved. The increase of the stevedoring capacity at the Pisco airport, the trucking capacity with nine 30mt trailers, and the extensive technical support provided have eased the logistics coordination and facilitate further the earthquake response efforts.

29. As a result of a coordination meeting between INDECI, PRONAA, UNDAC and WFP, it was decided that INDECI will handover the warehouses at Pisco base to PRONAA as of 4 September. WFP will assist PRONAA in all logistic issues (procurement, transport, handling, and distributions).INDECI will remain in charge of non-food items in the Pejerrey port. WFP has supported INDECI with the preparation of non-food items' distribution and transport plans.

30. According to OSOCC, the logistics chain seems to be gaining momentum with goods leaving regularly the warehouses at the Port of Pisco and the airport with the support of equipment hired by UNDP and managed by the UNDAC team in conjunction with WFP and INDECI.



31. Some 20 shelters are currently functioning with 4,616 families (approx 23,000 persons). These are managed by agencies and institutions such as the Police; Army; Christian Mission, SODEXHO, Pro Holy Church, Salvation Army, Red Cross, Ministry of Health and COPRODELI. A coordination meeting with this sector have been held at the OSOCC to address the following issues:

(a) Arrival of 5,000 tents next week, which was confirmed by OIM.

(b) Caritas Peru, World Vision and Care with the support of USAID are providing 2,500 temporary shelter solutions.

(c) Peruvian Red Cross is providing 1,000 temporary shelter (family) solutions.

(d) There is urgent need for accurate information (by location) on damaged housing stock and affected families for planning tents and shelter distribution.

(e) "Return home" strategies are being set up for those sheltered families whose houses were not severely damaged.


32. Environmental experts associated with the UNDAC team from CENACID - Centro de Apoio Científico em Desastres - UFPR (Brazil) had identified two potential environmental issues of concern: hospital waste and waste being dumped on the beach in a natural reserve.

33. Following discussions between environmental experts from CENACID and national authorities, two incinerators will be purchased by the government to deal with hospital waste. They will be placed at the Pisco and Ica hospitals. Furthermore, local authorities have now identified a different and better dumping spot for other earthquake waste and debris.


34. On 3 September, ECHO informed that is currently working through six partners, namely CARE France in Canete, Oxfam UK in Pisco, WFP (in Pisco, Chincha, Huancavelica and Cañete), COOPI, an Italian based NGO working in Chincha, IFRC (in Pisco) and Telecom sans Frontieres in Pisco and Chincha. The six partners are establishing national and international teams to work in areas of food distribution, temporary shelters, medical assistance, hygiene kits, water & sanitation, emergency telecommunication and psychosocial support.

35. Following various needs assessments in the field, on 3 September ECHO has reported that new funds are and will be available. IFRC, UNFPA, FAO, IOM, WFP and other NGOs have been pre-selected for this

36. As of today, UNFPA has also informed about the funds pledged by the Republic of South Korea for the project "Reproductive Health in Community in Crises", included in the Flash Appeal for a total budget of US$100,000, which will be used to buy and distribute RH Emergency kits to primary health and referral centres.

37. INDECI reports on 3 September that the United States of American have donated 5,000 shelters for the area of Pisco. The donation should have arrived yesterday at 23:30 hrs.

38. Similarly, INDECI reports that during the forthcoming days the Government of Venezuela will donate and air-ship humanitarian aid consisting on food, potable water, medicines, blankets, tends and other equipment for debris removal.

39. The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs has pledged 150,000 Euros for the affected zones. Additionally the French-Peruvian Fund will donate 200,000 Euros for the reconstruction of public infrastructure.

40. UNDP has informed that DFID will pledge USD 500,000 for a joint UNDP/UN-Habitat project aiming at improving urban areas planning and produce additional risk maps in other populated settlings.

41. According to INDECI, the government of Canada, has allocated CAD $2,000,000, to be used for humanitarian response in the post earthquake affected areas.

42. The link below provides a complete table compiled by the International Cooperation Peruvian Agency (APCI) where all information about Donors' support (Traditional and Private) is detailed. ( ml).

43. This situation report together with other information on ongoing emergencies is also available on the Virtual OSOCC at and on the OCHA Internet Website: . Additional information related to the UN system activities can be viewed at Daily information now being posted on INDECI website - 7.htm

For detailed information please contact:

Desk Officer (New York):
Mr. Ignacio León
Office Tel: +1 917 367-9960
Office Fax: +1 212 963-36 30

GCMS (Geneva):
Ms. Aoibheann O'Keeffe
Office Tel: +41 22 917 4329

OCHA Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean:
Mr. Douglas Reimer, Regional Disaster Response Adviser
Office Tel. +507 317-1748
Office Fax +507 317-1744
Mobile: +507 6676-1689

Press Contact:

(NY) Ms. Stephanie Bunker
Office Tel : + 1 917-367-5126
Office Fax: + 1 212-963-1312

(GVA) Ms. Elizabeth Byrs Office
Tel + 41 22 917 26 53
Office Fax + 41 22 917 00 20

Carolina de Borbon Parma, +51-1- 213 3200
Luis Vallenas, +51-1- 9552 2621

Peruvian Civil Defense:
Communication, +51-1- 226 2291
Emergency Operation Center, +51-1- 224 1685/87


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