GLIDE no. EQ-2007-000133-PER
Period covered by this Ops Update: 24 January to 23 June 2008
Appeal target (current): CHF 10,895,000 (USD 10,372,040 or EUR 6,696,067).
Appeal coverage (24 June 2008): 98%;
Appeal history:
- On 17 August 2007 an Emergency Appeal was launched for CHF 1,626,000 (USD 1,341,869 or EUR 979,150) for 5 months to assist 4,000 families (20,000 people).
- Disaster Relief Emergency Funds (DREF) allocated: CHF 250,000 (USD 207,641 or EUR 151,515).
- Appeal on 20 August 2007 to CHF 5,605,000 (USD 4,655,315 or EUR 3,396,970) for 9 months to assist 7,500 families (37,500 people).
- Second revision of the Appeal Budget on 3 December 2007 for CHF 10,895,000 (USD 9,917,000 or EUR 6,785,000) for 18 months (February 2009) to assist 7,500 families (37,500 people).
- This Operations Update includes an extension of the Appeal timeframe for 10 months until end December 2009.
Nearly one year after the 15 August 2007 earthquake in the Peruvian department of Ica, the emergency phase and the early reconstruction phases have ended and the efforts continue to support the reconstruction efforts of the most vulnerable communities. In the earthquakeaffected region, only a few model earthquake resistant houses have been built. The International Federation is working together with international and national cooperation agencies to identify solutions to land tenure problems, access state-supported reconstruction resources, and integrate a risk reduction perspective to ensure pre-existing vulnerabilities are not rebuilt.
The operation is centred on the reconstruction phase, particularly concentrating on the two Appeal objectives for recovery and strengthening the national society. The PRC/International Federation comprehensive reconstruction programme focuses on the permanent housing needs for the most vulnerable families and support for community development. Volunteers from the CRP- Pisco branch with the International Federation have been involved in identifying the most vulnerable families who will receive training and support for earthquake-resistant housing.
The International Federation has signed a cooperative partnership agreement with the Pontificia Catholic University of Peru (Universidad Católica del Perú - PUCP) and is in the final phase of signing agreements with Architectes de l'urgence, and two Peruvian NGOs: Centre for the Study and Prevention of Disasters (Centro de Estudios y Prevención de Desastres - PREDES) and Centre for Research, Documentation and Population Assistance (Centro de Investigación, Documentación y Asesoria Poblacional - CIDAP). These agreements are to engage in the building process for the first 200 earthquake- resistant houses for the most vulnerable people in the rural areas of the districts of Humay and Independencia, in the semi urban area of San Clemente in Pisco province and in Los Molinos, a rural area in the province of Ica. This process incorporates a training component for all community members so non-prioritized families will have the skills to replicate affordable earthquake-resistant housing models.
By the end of 2009, the International Federation will have contributed substantially to the full range of the shelter activities in the earthquake-affected region. These activities include the provision of emergency shelter such as tents and reinforced plastic tarpaulins and transitional shelter units in the early reconstruction period. This support currently has extended to legal aid to streamline land tenancy issues, architectural plans with environmentally-friendly and affordable construction materials and technology that are found locally, and risk analysis and education for the reduction of risks. The coordination efforts with non-Movement partners have been a key feature of this period.
One of the main constraints faced by the Red Cross reconstruction activities is linked to the rising costs for construction materials and transport due to upsurge in local demand and increase in global oil prices. Other limitations are due to the complications to establish stream- lined mechanisms to obtain land titles and resolve land tenancy issues in earthquake-affected areas. The International Federation with UN Habitat are coordinating to attend to the latter challenge. All the organizations working with reconstruction are facing these constraints.
Due to these combined factors, the International Federation is extending the Appeal's timeframe for ten months from 28 February 2009 to 31 December 2009. As of 26 June 2008, appeal coverage stands at 98 percent. For reasons similar to those mentioned above, the significant Telefónica contribution has been channelled directly to the Spanish Red Cross, thus diminishing initial projections to complete the International Federation Appeal budget. While this Operations Update does not contain a budget increase, interested donors are invited to support the reconstruction activities. It is worth noting that the Movement's response has surpassed the amount of the International Federation appeal. The budgets of the four PNS - American Red Cross, Belgian Red Cross- French speaking community, German Red Cross and Spanish Red Cross that are carrying out reconstruction and capacity building activities in the affected areas, add up to over CHF 13 million (approx. USD 12,7 Million or EUR 7,8 million).
The Red Cross Movement is involved in a wide range of reconstruction activities. The Spanish Red Cross (SRC) has started rebuilding and rehabilitating 120 classrooms in 10 different schools in the Ica department. Three schools will be built in Chincha, three in Ica, and four in Pisco. One of the schools in Pisco is for children with disabilities. Based on current enrolment levels, this reconstruction will benefit 4,000 children and adolescents. The German Red Cross (GRC) in coordination with the municipal government of Ica is providing clean water for 400 families in the Nueva Esperanza community in the Ica province. The American Red Cross (AmCross) has begun its comprehensive programme to increase the capacity of earthquake affected communities to better prepare for and respond to disasters. This entails completing a participatory inventory of preparedness capacities and mechanisms, conducting community level risk analysis and hazard monitoring activities, facilitating a community-based strategy to increase awareness and knowledge about disaster and risk reduction, and implementing preparedness planning activities. The program also includes community-based first aid training (CBFA) and education components. The Belgian Red Cross- French-speaking community (BRC- Fr) has a multi-pronged programme in the El Carmen district of Chincha focused on providing technical support on para-seismic reconstruction - including ten model earthquake-resistant houses -, a pilot cash for housing programme, support for local micro-enterprise, the reconstruction and/or rehabilitation of 40 primary and secondary classrooms, technical assistance for the El Carmen health centre and support to the Peruvian Red Cross on First Aid programmes.