GLIDE n=B0 EQ-2007-000133-PER
Period covered by this Ops Update: 1 July to 30 September 2009
Appeal target (Revised): CHF 10,893,493 (USD 10,754,013 or EUR 7,208,744);
Appeal coverage: 100%
Appeal history:
- The Emergency Appeal for the Peru Earthquake operation was launched on 17 August 2007. It sought CHF 1,626,000 (USD 1,341,869 or EUR 979,150) to assist 4,000 families (20,000 people) for a five-month period.
- Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF): CHF 250,000 (USD 207,641 or EUR 151,515) was initially allocated from the Federation's DREF to support the National Society response.
- The Revised Appeal was launched on 20 August 2007 featuring a Revised Appeal Budget for CHF 5,605,000 (USD 4,655,315 or EUR 3,396,970) for 9 months to assist 7,500 families (37,500 people).
- A second revision of the Appeal Budget was made on 3 December 2007 for CHF 10,895,000 (USD 9,917,000 or EUR 6,785,000) for 18 months (February 2009) to assist 7,500 families (37,500 people).
- The Operations Update n=B0 7 featured an extension of the timeframe until 31 December 2009.
- The Operations Update n=B0 8 was issued with a third revision of the Appeal Budget for CHF 11,017,248 (USD 9,790,411 or EUR 7,201,756).
- The present Operations Update includes a fourth revision of the Appeal Budget to CHF 10,893,493 (USD 10,754,013 or EUR 7,208,744).
Summary: Two years after a major earthquake measuring 7.9 (Mw) hit the coastal department of Ica, the International Federation's Peru Earthquake Operation is successfully implementing its comprehensive participatory reconstruction programme. By the end of the year, the needs of targeted vulnerable families in the area will be addressed by the combined work of the International Federation, the Peruvian Red Cross (PRC) and the communities.
The Peruvian Red Cross, Partner National Societies (PNS), and the International Federation Operation team are providing seismic resistant housing for those affected, rehabilitating schools and health centres, as well as improving communities' disaster preparedness and response capabilities through training and community development activities, thus complementing the Peruvian government's initiatives to assist the impacted population.
By the end of September 2009, most vulnerable families in the area where the programme is active will be able to live in 246 of the 592 houses built by the participating communities and the International Federation. The construction of safe and secure housing is undertaken by communities in a participatory manner with technical and logistical support from the International Federation. The construction of eco-friendly, low-cost, seismic-resistant houses is complemented by activities promoting community health and development, as well as providing information to solve land tenure issues and training in economic activities which will supplement family incomes.
The transference of technology and knowledge through training will allow the operation to extend its impact beyond those persons not prioritized by the programme and communities to receive housing support from the programme.
A fourth revision of the Appeal Budget is attached to better reflect the financial situation of the Operation. The number of houses supported by the programme has increased from 556 to 592 as a result of the lowering of construction prices since December 2008.
The International Federation is grateful for the generous support of the following National Societies to the Appeal: the American Red Cross, the Andorra Red Cross, the Australian Red Cross, the Austrian Red Cross, the Belgian Red Cross (French-speaking community), the Belgian Red Cross (Flemish-language community), the Brazilian Red Cross, the British Red Cross, the Canadian Red Cross, the Colombian Red Cross Society, the Chilean Red Cross, the Croatian Red Cross, the Cyprus Red Cross, the Ecuadorian Red Cross, the Finnish Red Cross, the German Red Cross, the Red Cross Society of China, Hong Kong branch, the Irish Red Cross, the Italian Red Cross, the Japanese Red Cross Society, the Luxembourg Red Cross, the Monaco Red Cross, the Netherlands Red Cross, the New Zealand Red Cross, the Norwegian Red Cross, the Singapore Red Cross Society, the Spanish Red Cross, the Swedish Red Cross, the Swiss Red Cross, the Taiwan Red Cross Organization, the Turkish Red Crescent and the Uruguayan Red Cross.
In addition, activities under this Appeal have been possible thanks to the support of the governments of Belgium, Canada, the People's Republic of China, the Czech Republic, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Singapore, Spain, Sweden and the United States, as well as the European Commission's Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO), to whom the International Federation conveys its gratitude.
The International Federation expresses its gratitude to all those individuals and private organizations who have kindly contributed to this Appeal such as: the ALAS Foundation, KLM, the Aztec Foundation (Fundación Azteca), the JT International Foundation, the Monsanto Fund, the OPEC Fund for International Development and the SAFRA Edmond J. Philanthropic Foundation, the Alcatel-Lucent Foundation, the Association of Civil Servants of the Peruvian Diplomatic Service (Asociación de Funcionarios del Servicio Diplomático del Perú), BNP Paribas Miami, Exxon Mobil, Galaxy Latin America, Germanischer Lloyd Perú, Goodyear, Hermandad de San Martin de Porres, Kraft Foods, L.L. Bean, Minera San Juan, Pesco Marine SAC Talara, Petrolife Petroleum Company, Petrovietnam Exploration Production Corporation, Rutas Servicios de Viaje, Samsung and Ximesa.