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Peru + 2 more

NewZAID No. 71, Jul 2010: Peru, Vanuatu, Tuvalu


New Zealand provides kitchen kits for Peruvian families

Following the serious flooding in January that affected the southern region of Peru, the New Zealand Aid Programme donated US$100,000 to the World Food Programme (WFP).

WFP representative Beatriz Yermanos visited the affected area in June and expressed gratitude to the New Zealand Government for its support. New Zealand's contribution has helped to purchase kitchen kits containing pots, serving spoons, tea pots, cups, dishes, cutlery and buckets to store water. These kits will help enable approximately 3,600 households to properly prepare and serve food to their families.

Beneficiaries were selected by WFP and the National Food Assistance Programme (PRONNA) based on a registry of all families affected by the floods in Cuzco and Puno. The aim is to assist households who have not received help from other organisations or who are particularly vulnerable, such as those led by women or where there are pregnant women or children under five.

The Peruvian Ministry of Women and Social Development has overall responsibility for the project, while PRONNA, in coordination with WFP, oversees the transportation of the kits from the suppliers, to the storage warehouses, and finally to the distribution points.

For more information contact Winnie Mahowa.