12:00 hours
1. At 11:40:58 PM UTC/GMT (Greenwich time) 6:34:56 PM local time on August 15th, an earthquake measuring 7.9 degrees in the Richter scale struck the Department of Ica. The epicentre was 25 miles (61 kilometres) west-northwest of Chincha Alta, Peru, and 90 miles (161 kilometres) south-southeast of Lima, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The epicentre was 30.2 km depth (18.8 miles). The effects were also strongly felt in Lima capital.
2. The last official report issued by the National Institute of Civil Defence (INDECI) informed the situation up to August 28th, 23:00 hrs:
519 dead
1,366 wounded
58,581 houses destroyed according to Peruvian Government preliminary assessments.
13,585 houses affected.
103 hospitals affected.
14 hospitals destroyed according to Peruvian Government preliminary assessments.
National Response
As of September 20th, INDECI reports the removal of 100,000 m3 of debris. Similarly, INDECI informed the setting up of 2,300 tents procured by IOM with mattresses and blankets.
A technical team of the Japanese International Cooperation Assistance (JICA) discussed with the President of the Provincial Committee of Civil Defense the requirements for the rehabilitation and reconstruction of the affected infrastructures, namely hospitals, educational centres and water and sanitation systems.
On September 19th, INDECI reported that the Provincial Committees of Civil Defense from Cañete, Chincha and Pisco upgraded their assessments of damages.
On September 18th the Ministry of Education (MOE) informed that 786 classrooms are currently in good status, allowing 85% of schools to re-start classes. In addition to this, 131 pre-fabricated modules have been recently installed for school use. Whereas the second phase of the MOE emergency response will focus on psychosocial assistance to teachers and students, the third phase will aim at redesigning the entire education program in order to recover the wasted time during the remaining academic year.
On September 17th, the Ministry of Women and Social Development and Chilean singer Mr. Alberto Plaza inaugurated in Pisco the "House of Solidarity", which is intended to be a training/food distribution center for earthquake-affected families. The center, located in the Tupac Amaru district in Pisco, was built with the funds collected by the Concert "Brotherhood and Solidarity" that will take place on September 20th with the participation of singers Pedro Suárez Vertiz, Gianmarco and Alberto Plaza.
General Directorate of Environmental Health and Epidemiological and Environmental Health Divisions of Pisco concluded a community assessment where detailed information on sanitation and food hygiene was gathered.