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Peru + 1 more

Canadian aid to bridge water, sanitation gap following Peruvian floods

The natural phenomenon of El Niño Costero in Peru has generated heavy rains since December 2016, resulting in severe flooding and landslides throughout the country. What has been called the worst storm in 30 years has affected more than 750,000 people, with approximately 810 towns and cities in a state of emergency. Many residents do not have access clean water and some public sanitation networks have collapsed.

Thanks to $350,000 in funding from the Canadian Humanitarian Assistance Fund, Save the Children will be able to help approximately 7,500 people, including 4,500 children with water, shelter and protection needs, to ensure that families, particularly women and children, are able to begin their recovery.

Save the Children will provide families with hygiene kits, which include basic hygiene supplies as well as mosquito nets and other materials designed to prevent the spread of disease. They will also work with families and community members to create awareness on the importance of hygiene and safe and clean water. In addition, Save the Children will provide household kits (including a gas stove, cooking pots and other utensils) and set up Child Friendly Spaces in affected areas to support girls and boys during this emergency situation. Activities focused on children will also include education on violence prevention and encouraging their return to school.

Save the Children has been responding to emergencies in Peru for the past 20 years, leading to strong relationships with local authorities and tailored expertise in disaster management within the Peruvian context.

Read about the Humanitarian Response

The CHAF is a joint mechanism financed by Global Affairs Canada, the Humanitarian Coalition and its member agencies.


For more information:

Yosé Cormier
Humanitarian Coalition

Katharine Harris
Save the Children Canada

About the Humanitarian Coalition

The Humanitarian Coalition is Canada’s only joint appeal mechanism for international disasters and emergencies. It is made up of seven leading humanitarian agencies: Canadian Lutheran World Relief, CARE Canada, Islamic Relief Canada, Oxfam Canada, Oxfam-Québec, Plan International Canada, and Save the Children Canada. The members of the Humanitarian Coalition work together to reduce unnecessary competition, better educate the public on humanitarian needs, increase the impact of Canadian humanitarian responses and reduce administrative costs. Collectively, they are present in 150 countries.