As a pilot city for the Making Cities Resilient and Sustainable (MCRS) project, the Municipality of Asunción has been working closely together with UN-Habitat over the last two years to create a comprehensive profile of the city and recommend actions to improve its resilience through the City Resilience Profiling Programme (CRPP) and its associated City Resilience Profiling Tool (CRPT). The City Resilience Profiling Programme (CRPP) thanks the Municipality of Asunción for its commitment to work as a pilot city for the MCRS project. Although several risk reduction and resilience initiatives have previously been carried out in Asunción, the municipality has openly accepted the implementation of the CRPT due to its transversal focus that leads to integrated resilience initiatives between different sectors at the city level.
The CRPP provides a universal framework that uses verifiable and contextualized city data to establish its resilience profile and form an analysis and diagnosis of its most pressing challenges. This profile and diagnosis provide a base for the creation of evidence-based and implementable Recommended Actions for Resilience (A4R) that are then incorporated into urban development strategies and existing management processes. This process is designed to support the Local Government to take an informed decision-making approach and in turn support long-term, resilient and sustainable urban development, in the Municipality of Asunción.
The Recommendations of Actions for Resilience and Sustainability Report (RAR-S) presents a culmination of the work conducted as part of implementing the CRPP in each pilot city. To both orient the reader and provide a truncated overview of the analytical process by which Actions for Resilience are developed, this chapter briefly presents the CRPP methodology. Description of the methodology is by no means exhaustive, but rather serves as a primer for the analytical findings presented in subsequent chapters. In other words, while the RAR-S report seeks to summarise the multifaceted implementation process, analytical and diagnostic efforts, and development of concrete recommendations for actions for building resilience in the pilot cities, it does not seek to provide detail for neither the methodological basis from which the CRPP was developed, nor the analytical process in its entirety given its extensiveness.
Building upon this brief methodological overview, this chapter provides an explanation of the scope and depth of analysis that is explored herein.