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Paraguay: Floods (MDRPY019) DREF Final Report


A. Situation analysis

Description of the disaster

Government authorities and Paraguayan Red Cross (PRC) implemented humanitarian actions to assist the population hit by the November 2019 floods that affected 30,225 people (6,085 families2). The affected population was evacuated to 109 temporary shelters set up by the Municipality of Asunción.

The National Emergency Secretariat reported that, as of the close of the operation at the end of February, the floods had affected a total of 8,260 families in Asunción. Operation Return Home was officially launched on 5 February given that Paraguay River water levels were expected to continue falling over the next 45 days. This event was attended by authorities from all institutions involved. Even though water levels will rise slightly in March (part of cyclical increases in water levels), these are not expected to be high.

According to the National Emergency Secretariat (SEN), families in collective centres received 95,000 fibre cement sheets, 70,000 wood struts, 55,000 sheets of plywood, 8,260 food kits, 7,000 tents and 540 chemical toilets. Some 200 field staff members took part in this effort worth approximately 7,321 million guaraníes.