Informing humanitarians worldwide 24/7 — a service provided by UN OCHA


Paraguay 2024-2026 IFRC network country plan


Multi-Year Funding Requirement CHF 19.8M

In support of Paraguayan Red Cross

19 National Society branches

20 National Society staff

1,438 National Society volunteers

People to be reached

3,000 Climate and environment

3,500 Disasters and crises

10,000 Health and wellbeing

500 Migration & Displacement

500 Values, power and inclusion


The Paraguayan Red Cross was founded in 1919 by Dr. Andrés Barbero and was admitted to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) in 1922. It is the oldest humanitarian aid organization in the country and the one with the largest territorial coverage. As a voluntary organization, its social impact is recognized by all citizens.

According to a law of 2016, it serves as an auxiliary to the Paraguayan State in full compliance with the principle of independence. The law also regulates the relations of the Paraguayan Red Cross with the competent public authorities, enabling it to collaborate and provide humanitarian assistance. It grants the National Society the competence to act in risk reduction, disaster prevention actions, and the provision of humanitarian aid. Consequently, the National Society responds to urgent and emergency situations, providing health care services in communities and to vulnerable people, focusing especially on the sick, injured or at-risk.

The National Society has a National Headquarters located in Asunción, 19 branches distributed throughout the national territory, a maternal and child hospital and an educational centre that provides services. Each operational unit collaborates according to the specific needs of its area to fulfil the organization’s mission. By 2022, the Paraguayan Red Cross reached about 60,000 people through its long-term services and development programmes; and around 6000 people through disaster response and early recovery programmes.

In its latest Strategic Plan (2021-2025), the National Society aims to (a) enhance the impact of health, youth, social inclusion and disaster risk management programmes (b) develop a sustainable organizational culture (c) strengthen the institutional identity to generate a national positioning of reference (d) generate and implement financial sustainability strategies locally, nationally, and at the Reina Sofía Maternal and Children’s Hospital.

In 2022, the Paraguayan Red Cross reached approximately 60,000 people through its long term services and development programmes and 6,275 people through its disaster response and early recovery programmes.