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Papua New Guinea: Disaster Management Team Humanitarian Update No. 05 (Updated as of 27th April 2023)


Highlands Election-Related Violence

Tribal fighting between Aiyala and Nomali tribes erupted on 24 April 2023 in Porgera, Enga province allegedly due to unmet peace agreement commitments and following the withdrawal of the PNG Defense Force (PNGDF) the previous day. Two people, one male and one female, have reportedly been killed and several houses were burned down. The situation remains tense prompting the redeployment of the PNGDF there.

Clusters' Response (measured in cumulative persons):

IDPs reached by clusters

  • CCCM/Shelter/NFI - 11,854

  • Food Security - 8,779

  • WASH - 6,445

General population reached by clusters

  • Health - 70,000

  • Nutrition - 66,566

  • Education - 10,000

  • Gender-Based Violence - 2,850

  • Sexual & Reproductive Health - 2,126

M7.0 Chambri Lake Earthquake

On 3 April 2023, a 7.0-magnitude earthquake occurred at a depth of 62.6 km in a location 98 km SSW of Wewak, East Sepik province. A rapid assessment organized by the provincial authorities revealed 8 deaths, 11 injuries and 876 damaged or destroyed houses. Only minor damage to schools was reported and telecommunications services continued to operate. The affected population was able to recover quickly and return to normal activities with some concern over contaminated water from open sources.

The provincial administration is able to manage the response and committed USD 141,000 (PGK 500,000) in relief. Humanitarian partners have also responded with prepositioned stocks.

Drought Watch

According to the National Weather Service, the rainfall forecast for May, June and July shows a decline in rainfall intensities from above normal to normal rainfall conditions, tending towards below normal rainfall thereafter across the whole country which is consistent with our regular dry season.

Drought risk status for April 2023 shows continued severe drought status for East New Britain, West New Britain and West Sepik provinces whilst Central, Enga, Hela, Jiwaka and Morobe provinces shows severe drought status for this month. We expect these drying conditions to become prevalent across many provinces as we head into the dry season proper.

The National Disaster Centre has conducted drought assessment missions to the most-affected provinces and will share the results.