This Programme Update is intended for
reporting on Annual Appeals.
Appeal Target CHF1,732,663; (revised)
Period covered: June - December 2002.
Last Programme Update issued Programme Update No. 1 in July 2002;
"At a Glance"
Appeal coverage: 58.9%
Related Appeals: Pacific regional programmes (01.71/2002)
Outstanding needs: CHF 711,565
Update: Donor support has been good to the Papua New Guinea appeal. The local Red Cross national society is in constant need of external help to support its community development work in this disaster-vulnerable Pacific country. Progress has been made in many areas, including the promotion of humanitarian values.
Operational Developments:
Papua New Guinea is suffering from major economic and social problems. The value of the Kina continued to drop during the last quarter of 2002 and has not recovered. The falling value of the Kina has caused big increase of prices of most products especially the essential items that mostly are imported from Australia. This coupled with the already very high unemployment rate is further causing social and security related problems. Crime and violence is on the increase and exceptionally high in Port Moresby and the second biggest town of Lae, due to urbanisation and high unemployment. Domestic air travel - the only means of transport from one Province to another - has gone up in price first by 5% and later in December by another 17%. National elections took place in the middle of June and proved to be the most violent since independence. There are still empty seats in Parliament being questioned.
The new government, headed by one of the "founding fathers", Sir Michael Somare, has an absolute majority in Parliament and is trying to fight corruption, reorganise the Civil Administration and recover a state economy close to bankruptcy . Free schooling, introduced by the government up to high school since the early of this year, has been abandoned again due to the lack of funds, and school fees have been reinstated resulting in poor student attendance.
In addition to the official setup of Mt. Hagen Branch in March, another two interim Papua New Guinea Red Cross Society (PNGRCS) branches have been established in the second half of the year: one in Arawa (Bougainville), and one in Vanimo, close to the Indonesian border in the Northwest so-called Sundaun district. No leadership changes, but high turn-over regarding senior headquarters staff. This is seen as a great improvement.
The change of focus from Federation being operational into an advisory role has been implemented and well taken by the national society, who is now taking the lead in all areas of activities. With a number of highly skilled program officers in place, the technical level of project implementations has considerably increased.
However, the fund-raising activities need to be enhanced for the society to become less donor dependant.
An Annex building within the HQ compound is presently being extended, and the Federation delegation is due to move into own premises by the end of January, leaving better working space to the expanded HQ staff.
Disaster Management
Major events and developments are listed in order during the last six month for the year 2002. The Aitape Earthquake in the West Sepik Province followed by the volcano eruption in Mt. Pago in West New Britain Province and the Wewak earthquake in East Sepik Province.
Objective 1: At the community level, by 2003, to prepare 78 most at-risk communities (18 in 2002 and 60 in 2003) in the 20 disaster prone areas of PNG to mitigate the effects of disasters, to respond effectively during disasters and to improve the health status of their communities. This will be done in partnership with local agencies, as necessary.
An expansion of the CBSR programme in the newly identified 18 most at risk communities in the 13 most disaster prone areas in PNG took place. More than 60 new community volunteers trained in the CBSR training programme and able to facilitate self help CBSR activities at their community level.
Assistance and training was given to the 6 new communities (64 old in 2000/2001) to develop and update their community Disaster Contingency plan. Around 138 (78 new + 60 old) involved in VCA and drawing up their contingency CBSR plans.
Objective 2: At the branch level, to improve the CBSR and response capacity of PNGRCS in the most disaster prone areas at branch levels to ensure that appropriate technical and other support can be provided to all vulnerable communities by 10 branches (7 existing + 2 in process + Bougainville), in 20 project areas in co-ordination with other stakeholders.
Two CBSR workshops were held, the first one in Aitape District on the 11-22th November 2002. 44 participants attended the workshop comprised of 27 male and 17 female .The participants were from 5 different nearby villages representing approximately 2000 Households. Another CBSR training program organized by Madang branch, where 50 new community volunteers were trained .The trainees were able to facilitate self-help CBSR activities at their community level as well as to be involved in Awareness campaigns.
More than 500-trained community volunteers (new + old) involved in the awareness campaign as well as other self help CBSR activities. PNGRCS strengthened by more volunteers and staff, has come to be able to independently organise and conduct CBSR activities at community level.
At least 10 trained branches are committed, effective and focused and able to assist the most vulnerable, especially in the event of disasters. A CBSR follow-up workshop was held in Manam by Branch CBSR Team on HIV/AIDS, together with distribution of booklets and condoms. Follow -up formats and monthly reports formats were drawn up during the CBSR review in September 2002. The length of the CBSR workshop reduced from a month to two-week training.
Objective 3: To develop CBSR and response capacity at the headquarters level, to coordinate these activities at the national level, and to effectively support branch and field level CBSR activities.
Development and translation of CBSR materials have been completed, one set in English and one in Pidgin. They now need to be edited, printed and distributed. It has been requested by the DP delegate that Geneva endorses a manual called "Disaster Preparedness Training Manual "to be used by all CBSR facilitators. It is now being reviewed and modified to fit conditions appropriate to CBSR training in PNG.
Objective 4: By 2003, expand the cadre of trained volunteers to more than 400 (236 by 2002 + 250 in 2003), especially at the branch level, through disaster management and other additional training programmes, in order to build disaster preparedness capacity in a sustainable manner.
The unavailability of the DP officer in PNGRCS affected negatively on the implementation of DP work plan in the 2nd half of the year. PNGRCS DP officer position was vacant from September until December, 2002.
Communication between NHQs and Branches still continues to be the biggest problem when we try to get the first hand information at the time of disaster.
Objective 5: Enhance the PNGRCS profile and its cooperation network at all levels with other agencies, authorities and NGOs through the dissemination of the PNGRCS national and branch Disaster Preparedness Plans (NDPP)(BDPP)
In partnership with the NDMO 10,000 drought awareness posters were printed and distributed by PNG Red Cross volunteers to the community levels. 2,000 tsunami awareness posters have been printed for dissemination. 2,000 Basic Life Support Charts and 2,000 Emergency Action Principles posters have been printed for use in Community Based Self Reliance (CBSR) workshops.
Regular contact and liaison with the stakeholders is maintained. Recent matters that required liaison have been the Aitape Relief operations and the involvement of CBSR volunteers previously trained.
Health and Care
Due to the National Election in June/July, the programmes were hindered but managed to complete almost all activities scheduled for the second half of the year.
Objective 1: Through the blood bank and the PNG Red Cross branch volunteer structures, expand HIV/AIDS awareness to 3 new and 7 existing branches.
The activities like distribution of dissemination materials to branches, drama performances in schools, co-ordination with the National AIDS Council (NAC) and other stakeholders, participation in the World AIDS Day programme were all part of the year's achievements. More than 500 people attended the World AIDS Day event at the University Forum area on the 1 st December 2002. The NAC, together with NCDPAC, Hope World wide, Salvation Army, StopAIDS PNG, YWCA, National Council of Women, PNGIMR and various Youth groups in the capital all participated in the event on that day. The PNGRCS had 20 of its NCD/Central branch volunteers who attended and participated in the march and the Kite Flying event.
Three Follow-up HIV/AIDS Awareness workshops took place in Manus, Milne Bay, and Bougainville during September-December period, and three Introductory HIV/AIDS Awareness Workshops were held in Vanimo, Morobe, and Mt Hagen during November-December period. The participants for these training workshops and the follow-up workshops consisted of leaders of women's groups, youth groups, people from churches, public servants from the education, health and social development, CIS and the Defence Force.
Objective 2: Provide counseling skills and knowledge on HIV/AIDS to 125 trainees in 2002, so that they can give psychological support to People Living with HIV/AIDS, their families and friends.
Curriculum for Counseling & Care Training was newly developed in August-September period. Based on a new curriculum, three five-day workshops on counseling and care were held in East New Britain, NCD/Central, and New Ireland Branch. Through these three workshops, a total of 45 HIV/AIDS Counsellors have been trained in 2002.
Objective 3: To assist the government to increase knowledge on the prevention of HIV/AIDS and its transmission, and to promote care of HIV positive people among the population, through coordination with NGOs active in the same field.
Coordination and networking with the NCD, Provincial Aids Committee, Ministry of Health and other stakeholders continues.
Institutional and Resource Development
Objective 1: To promote the Movement's Fundamental Principles and values among the PNGRCS staff, member and volunteers (headquarters and branches), the authorities and the general public.
PNGRCS has distributed pamphlets " Information on Volunteering" among branches and the PNG population in general. Promotion of the Fundamental Principles was also carried out through the media such as newspapers, local television and radio spots and interview. ICRC funded dissemination components of PNGRCS's activities as well as the salary of PNGRCS's dissemination officer. All training activities within PNGRCS: in OD, DP, CBSR, HIV/AIDS and First Aid workshops included information/dissemination about the Fundamental Principles.
Special emphasis was put on dissemination in schools situated in provinces, where PNGRCS has branches. PNGRCS has established a Youth Department at the Headquarters. The department then appointed, through the Branches, youth co-ordinators at the Branch level to monitor the implementation and progress of the program. With the availability of the Youth Program Officer, a comprehensive Youth Policy was drafted and approved by the National Council. It was then made available to the Branches and schools for implementation. Basic stationary materials, sporting kits and first aid kits were purchased and distributed to implement the program in schools.
The Youth Department has set standard procedures with regards to the general administration and implementation of the program but there's much space for improvement. PNGRCS Youth Program Officer is working very closely with the Dissemination Officer and OD Delegate to improve the situation at the beginning of 2003 for the program to move from strength to strength. The Youth programme is now run very well within the Society. Nine 'Youth Programme in Schools' Management workshops were held during June-December period at the Branch level as well as the Headquarters with 155 participants, who were mostly teachers and students. In all these workshops, dissemination on Red Cross and its Humanitarian values and actions was always one the major components of the programme.
The program is run in schools with the approval of and in cooperation with the Education Department of Government. 14 schools are running the program with 576 registered students. There are more schools running the program but the students are not registered. The expected result was below average. PNGRCS Youths involved in various community activities.
In 2002, trainings on the core programs (HIV/AIDS, First Aid, Disaster Management) of the National Society in the schools were not executed as planned. As Youth programme was relatively new programme, the Youths in schools were not engaged in any large-scale Red Cross activities or represent PNGRCS in International Program organised by other sister societies. Discussion with other Program Officers in the HQ to involve more youths in their various training is in progress. This will equip the youths with knowledge and skills applicable when engaged in Red Cross Activities in 2003.
Youth Program Manual was developed and used by the schools on a trial basis. It is now being evaluated and will be put together at the beginning of 2003. The standard reference materials include Youth Manual, Youth Program Booklet, Registration, Monthly Report, and Annual Report formats. The youth training manual and rules are still in progress to be developed.
The target next year is to cover the eight branches plus the two new branches. Communication will have to be improved between NHQs and their branches.
Objective 2: To strengthen the capacity of the PNGRCS to cover the entire territory of PNG by increasing the number of adult and youth members, establishing new branches and providing training and support to branches to enhance their capacity.
Code of conduct for volunteers and staff and the youth policy was newly created, but it will be necessary to review them before putting them into practice in 2003. In 2002, seven workshops focusing on membership recruitment and volunteering were held in branches as a part of youth programme funded by Capacity Building Fund. Two national evaluation-meetings were held regarding young volunteers. Five workshops on volunteer management were implemented in the branches of Milne Bay, Morobe, NCD, Vanimo and Bougainville. All together 85 people participated.
Three computers with printers were provided to PNGRCS, so that Internet connections between the headquarters and branches could be improved. Provision of basic furniture, computer equipment and stationary material for selected branches was postponed until 2003 as most branches do not have premises of their own yet.
PNGRCS's Executive Board approved new national financial and administrative procedures for the Branches and the HQ, but the implementation process is slow because this is quite a new practice for the branches.
Three Branch Leadership Workshops were conducted in Vanimo, NCD/Central and Bougainville Branch respectively. Printing for the Fundamental Principles posters is in progress. The Branch Development Plan for 2003 was formulated. A Draft Questionnaire was formulated, and is being reviewed before finalising. A Draft Policy for Branch Establishment, Suspension and Reinstatement was formulated and is currently being reviewed.
Paper work of building offices of both the Western Highlands Branch and the East New Britain Branch, funded by Capacity Building Fund, have almost been competed.
Objective 3: To diversify fund-raising plans in order to access funding for the sustainability of the headquarters and branches
Regular consultative support was given to PNGRCS in identifying different ways of getting donor assistance, but it is necessary to improve considerably in 2003. The Resource Development workshop was completed with the participation of 25 people from Branches and HQ. As a result of this workshop, the council agreed to change the financial and administrative procedures in branches in order to improve the accountability of the Society and to look for new fund-raising opportunities. Efforts to ensure more accountability and timely feedback to donors were done, and the Society actually submitted more reports in second half of 2002 than in the whole 2001, but still more training is needed.
Objective 4: To ensure the National Society follows policies, procedures and practices, in order to be able to mobilize resources for assisting the vulnerable and so contribute to building a stronger civil society
PNGRCS held a number of meetings every month to ensure the policies, procedure and practices are in place among the Executive committee (Excom), National Society staff, and the Council. PNGRCS has drafted "Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct for PNGRCS Staff and Volunteers". Now it has to be followed up by training. Several documents particularly on institutional development were given to the headquarters and the branches to upgrade the knowledge and skills of the staff and volunteers. However, follow up in 2003, to check whether they are used, is important. PNGRCS staff at all levels has now more clear picture of the roles and responsibilities of governance and management through the meetings with council members and staff.
Objective 5: To continue to provide training in governance and management to council members, executives, branch representative, staff and volunteers.
The Federation has been present at each meeting providing support when needed. A session on good governance has been performed at each quarterly council meeting. The Society has got considerable knowledge on governance and management through the training during the second half of 2002.
Co-ordination and Management
Objective 1: To effectively manage the Federation delegation and to provide overall coordination and management for Federation supported programmes and operations in PNG.
Delegates meetings are held on a weekly basis and staff meetings as well. Discussions on the various issues are held almost on a daily basis. Rapport among the Delegates has been good. Delegates and their counterparts meet formally on a weekly basis, but spend most time together for consultation. There is a very close working relationship between PNGRCS staff at all levels, the Executive Committee and the Delegation.
The reporting line of PNG Delegation was changed. PNG Head of Delegation now reports to Head of Regional Delegation in Suva instead of Head of Asia and Pacific Department in Geneva. Regional Health Delegate in Suva continues to extend her support to the health and care programmes in PNG.
Objective 2: To work towards achieving a National Society with good governance and management, capable of mobilising its resources to assist vulnerable people.
The Federation Delegation continues to provide advice and support on governance and management related issues to PNGRCS. A two-day joint planning session by PNGRCS and the Federation took place in September to drive Appeal drafting process, followed by a one day workshop facilitated by HOD and the OD Delegate with the Council members including Secretary General on Council-Management matters.
Objective 3: To advocate on behalf of the Federation and promote the principles / policies of the Red Cross / Red Crescent Movement.
Co-ordination of activities with other humanitarian organisations, diplomatic missions and the various government departments is ongoing. Particularly in the field of health and disaster management the Delegation together with PNGRCS staff played an important role. Special functions have been initiated on RC days such as RC Day 8 May, World AIDS Day Dec. 1st and not the least the launching of the Annual Appeal 2003-04. .
Outstanding needs
Despite numerous efforts, funding for both the OD and the DP Delegate remains a problem. Both need funding for another 3 months in 2003 and the OD Delegate needs replacement in the second half of the year.
For further details please contact:
Jacqline Boga, Secretary General, PNG Red Cross Society Phone: 675 325 8577 Fax: 675 325 9714; email:
Ole Gronning, Head of Delegation, Phone: 675 311 2277 Fax: 675 323 0731; email:
Satoshi Sugai, Geneva-based Desk Officer, Phone: 41 22 7304 273 Fax: 41 22 733 0395; email:
All International Federation Operations seek to adhere to the Code of Conduct and are committed to the Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response (SPHERE Project) in delivering assistance to the most vulnerable.
For further information concerning Federation operations in this or other countries, please access the Federation website at
John Horekens
External Relations
Simon Missiri
Asia and Pacific Department
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