Generic objectives of all DNAs
1.Pre-crisis profile of the affected area and in-crisis information on the disaster
• Provide general information on what is known about the disaster itself and its impact
• Provide a description of the pre-disaster situation of the affected area and identify any underlying factors that could influence the vulnerability of the affected population
• Provide quantitative estimates on the number of affected population (based on official figures1).
- Profile of the affected population
• Provide an overview of the living conditions of the affected population after the disaster
• Provide an analysis of the priority needs of the community by sector (WASH, Food Security and Livelihood, Shelter, Education, Health, Protection, and Early Recovery)
• Give voice to the priorities of the affected people.
- Findings and recommendations
• Provide recommendations for immediate response and (if possible) indicate what the likely early recovery considerations will be.
• Provide a gap analysis according to what is known about any on-going response and the response capacities of key stakeholders in the area (GoB, UN, I/NGO, NGO, and impacted communities) to the degree that is possible based on the information provided2.
- Scenarios and next steps
• Identify potential constraints in providing assistance (e.g. security, logistics, accessibility, administrative, financing)
• Provide scenarios or trends on the most possible evolution of the situation in the weeks and months to follow (based on lessons learned from past disasters, current conditions, seasonal considerations etc.).
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
- To learn more about OCHA's activities, please visit