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Disaster Needs Assessment – 2 Key Informant & Direct Observation (KIDO) Format



Assessment teams should complete one KIDO format for every site they visit. Teams should take notes about any additional information that they consider important and not covered by the format.

Several Key Informants (KIs) should be interview to complete the format. Interviews do not need to be formal; it is best when they are conversations carried out as the assessment team walks around the site. Closed ended responses have been provided to assist data entry however, allow the KIs the opportunity to come up with their own answers and then select it if it is already listed, and do not read out the list of options. If an answer is given which is not on the list make sure you enter it (don’t just select “other” without including what the “other” is).

Closed ended responses have been provided to assist data entry. Allow the KIs the opportunity to come up with their answer and then select it if it is already listed, do not read out the list of options. If an answer is given which is not on the list make sure you enter it (don’t just select “other” without including what the “other” is).

Where not specified, select one option only. Wherever the option “other” is selected the answer (i.e. what is the other option being referred to) MUST be entered.

The information given in this format should be focused on what the situation is in this site, it does not need to reflect the broader disaster situation.

If there is a formal displacement centre (e.g. a care centre) or an informal displacement site (where people have set up camp spontaneously on their own) these should be considered as a “site” and assessment separately from the rest of the community living at that location.

Before leaving the site, all team members must review the observations on this format so that cross checking and clarification of any differences with the male and female community group discussions (CGD) can take place.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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