- WFP Country Director for the Pacific multi-country office presented credentials to the Hon. Gustav Aitaro, State Minister of the Republic of Palau, and met with other key stakeholders to share WFP’s work in the region, understand their needs, and explore potential areas for collaboration.
- Building on the 2023 logistics capacity assessment (LCA) conducted by WFP in Vanuatu, which utilised an on-the-job learning approach with the Vanuatu National Disaster Management Office (NDMO), the NDMO independently carried out provincial logistics assessments for Sanma and Tafea provinces.
- The WFP-led Pacific Emergency Telecommunications Cluster (ETC) held the "Tech Together" workshop in Fiji (23 – 25 September), bringing together participants from Pacific governments, NDMOs, and the private sector. The workshop addressed telecommunications preparedness, with insights shaping a regional cluster approach to better equip Pacific countries for climate-related shocks and geohazards.
Operational Updates
Supply chain
- In 2023, WFP conducted an LCA in Vanuatu, utilising an on-the-job learning approach to build local capacity. Staff from the Vanuatu NDMO worked alongside WFP staff, gaining hands-on experience in logistics assessment processes. Building on this collaboration, in September 2024, the Vanuatu NDMO successfully conducted provincial logistics capacity assessments for Sanma and Tafea provinces. This exemplifies WFP’s commitment to strengthening local systems, promoting local ownership and ensuring sustainability, empowering national institutions to effectively manage logistics operations independently in the long term.
- In line with the recommendations from the Samoa capacity needs mapping to enhance their storage capacity, the Samoa NDMO requested support from WFP. WFP has provided four mobile storage units, a forklift, and a generator from its logistics hub in Kuala Lumpur to Samoa. This is part of the broader preparedness measures ahead of the upcoming cyclone season, aimed at strengthening Samoa's disaster response capabilities and ensuring efficient handling and storage of critical relief supplies.
- The WFP-led Pacific Logistics Cluster initiated a readiness survey among cluster members in preparation for the 2024-2025 cyclone season. The survey seeks to collect detailed information on the preparedness and response activities of each organisation.