Tropical Disturbance Invest 94W centred on Southeast Yap and Palau on 13 April 2021. It was marked as a severe Tropical Storm 02W on 14 April and upgraded into Typhoon Surigae on 16 April. Typhoon Surigae was not just the strongest typhoon in the Northern Hemisphere before May; it was also the most intense on record, according to the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
Typhoon Surigae passed over the North of Palau, close to Kayangel State. Sustained wind speeds of up to 136 kilometres per hour caused heavy rainfall and swells, power outages, communication service disruptions, water cuts, fallen debris, road blockages and landslides.
All 16 states across the main island and five outer islands were affected by excessive rain and high winds. The rain and wind blew roofs off houses and damaged critical water and power infrastructure in Anguar, Peleliu, Kayangel, and Koror.
The storm produced large waves that were 23 meters (75 feet) high at their peak. It was estimated that 1,500 houses were damaged and 150 destroyed, along with belongings and farming investments.