This is OCHA Flash Update #4 on Super Typhoon Haiyan in relation to the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) and Palau, and covers the period from 8 to 11 November 2013.
On Friday 8 November, the President of Palau declared a state of emergency for a period of 10 days to mobilize Government ministries and divert activities to response and recovery efforts.
Most of the 69 people from devastated Kayangel have been evacuated to Koror and are staying with family and friends or being accommodated in the National Cultural Centre. Three shelters remain open with an unconfirmed number of displaced persons. The Palau Red Cross Society (PRCS) is registering evacuees and accepting donations. Food and water is being distributed by the Government and the PRCS to the most affected states of Ngarchelong and Ngaraard on Babeldaob Island.
Initial assessments are being conducted by the Government and PRCS to determine impacts to property and infrastructure. Completed assessments as of 10 November indicate that 310 houses have been destroyed or damaged, however assessments in the states of Ngchesar, Melekeok, Ngiwali and Ngaraard are yet to be completed. Initial assessments of Kayangel will not be undertaken for some time. The Government will await the outcomes of initial damage assessments before determining funding requirements.
The Ministry of Education reports minor damage to Palau High School and major damage to the roof of Aimeliik Elementary School. JFK Elementary School in Kayangel is destroyed. A kitchen in Ngarchelong Elementary School was also badly damaged.
Shops and business are re-opening and returning to normal. Communities continue to clear debris from properties and local streets. All main roads have been cleared and are now accessible, although the transportation and disposal of green waste is a challenge. Power has been restored to most of the country and radio and TV stations are functioning.
Although operational, the roof of Belau National Hospital has deteriorated further due to the typhoon and requires repair. There are reports of minor damage to community health centres in the states of Ngerchelong, Ngaremlengui and Melekeok. People have been advised to boil tap water to ensure it is safe for drinking.
WEATHER ALERT: A tropical cyclone formation alert is now current for a disturbance southwest of Yap state in the FSM, moving west-northwest along a path similar to that of Super Typhoon Haiyan. Scattered showers and isolated thunderstorms are expected to affect Palau tonight. Further intensification is likely after it has passed Palau and heads towards the Philippines. There is a high potential for the development of a tropical cyclone within the next 24 hours. Refer to the Joint Typhoon Warning Center for updates at
Federated States of Micronesia
There are no further updates from the FSM at this time.
The next update will be issued as new information becomes available.
For further information, please contact: Elisabeth McLeod, Public Information Officer, OCHA Regional Office for the Pacific,, +679 999 1423
Additional information is also available on the following websites:
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
- To learn more about OCHA's activities, please visit