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WFP Pakistan Country Brief, September 2019


In Numbers

4,210 mt of food distributed

US$ 88,000 cash-based transfers made

US$ 17.5 m six months (October 2019 - March 2020) net funding requirements

315,000 people assisted in August 2019

Operational Updates

• On 24 September, an earthquake measuring 5.8 magnitude on the Richter scale struck the north-eastern parts of Pakistan, followed by several aftershocks measuring up to 4.4 in magnitude. The disaster claimed approximately 40 lives and 750 people were injured. Homes, buildings and infrastructure in the region were substantially damaged. The Government and Pakistan Army have been engaged in the relief and rescue efforts. To date, the Government has made no formal request for assistance. WFP remains in close coordination with the relevant Government authorities and is ready to provide relief, recovery and technical support as and when requested.

• WFP continues to provide monthly food assistance relief to families who remain displaced in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, as a result of law enforcement operations.

• WFP continues to implement a livelihood support programme in five tribal districts in the former Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) to help recover critical livelihood assets. Participants (who are selected based on vulnerability) receive conditional cash or food transfers for attending vocational skill trainings.

• Additional funding from USAID has enabled WFP to initiate the Community Based Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) project in seven additional districts of Balochistan and two districts of Sindh Province. Food has been dispatched to the targeted districts for distribution in the coming months. The CMAM programme is now operational in 25 districts across Pakistan.

• The school feeding pilot project is in its inception phase. In September, WFP prepared and shared specifications for the review and endorsement of dehydrated fruits, which will be provided to school children as part of the programme. The addition of these fruits will improve the nutritional value of the school feeding program. Once finalized, the procurement process will be initiated.