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WFP Pakistan Country Brief, November 2024



  • 312,300 pregnant and breastfeeding women and children received health and nutrition services and supplementary nutritious foods through the Benazir Nashonuma Programme

  • 13,300 primary schoolchildren received cooked meals

  • 23,800 people benefited through resilience building, and livelihood support programmes

Operational Updates

Emergency preparedness, resilience and livelihoods

  • WFP, as part of its climate resilience and livelihoods efforts, launched a project in flood-affected districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Sindh, and Balochistan to support vulnerable households through asset creation and livelihood interventions.

  • WFP has advanced multi-year activities under its livelihoods and climate resilience work in three districts of Sindh province affected by the 2022 floods, with a focus on building income generating skills and constructing community assets, primarily related to water management.

  • WFP and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) collaborated with the Pakistan National Coordination Forum, to organize a training to develop a harmonized approach for integrating anticipatory action into disaster risk management processes.

  • Through a three-year Memorandum of Understanding and workplan with the National Disaster Management Authority, WFP will support the Multi-Hazard Vulnerability Risk Assessment, emergency response simulations, and institutional capacity building efforts across Pakistan (focusing on Sindh and Balochistan provinces).

  • Through the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework's Living Indus initiative, WFP is advancing efforts on community construction of concrete water reservoirs to improve water resource management in KP and Punjab provinces.

Nutrition, Education and Social Protection

  • WFP, in partnership with the Government of Pakistan, implements the Benazir Nashonuma Programme (BNP), the Government’s flagship stunting prevention programme. BNP targets pregnant and breastfeeding women from the poorest households. To date, 2.6 million women and children have been enrolled in the programme which provides support to children from conception to 2 years of age. In November 312,300 women and children received 28 million sachets of specialized nutritious foods, health services, and nutrition awareness.

  • With an aim to reduce the prevalence of micronutrient deficiencies in Pakistan, WFP continues to support the fortification of wheat flour produced in small scale wheat mills. Under this project, WFP has installed microfeeders and provided pre-mix to 147 local millers across the country. In November, they produced 2,000 mt of fortified wheat flour, benefiting up to 651,600 people.

  • On 21 November, WFP and the Balochistan Education Department signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the provincial school meals programme, which aims to reach 20,000 children over the age of 2 years. WFP and its partner, Secours Islamique France (SIF), provided school meals to 13,300 primary schoolchildren across 39 government schools in Quetta District, as part of the pilot co-funded by the Government of Balochistan.

  • WFP supported a tri-government cross-learning visit for officials from Niger, Burkina Faso, and Mali to learn about the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP). The delegation also visited facilitation centres under the BNP, to learn from the model being employed and replicate it in their own countries.

  • WFP, in coordination with FAO Pakistan and the International Fund for Agriculture and Development, organized a series of World Food Day events to highlight the importance of healthy diets. These included a session and awareness walk with Arid University students followed by an event at the National Agricultural Research Centre in collaboration with the Ministry of National Food Security & Research.