In Numbers
2,599 mt of food assistance distributed in June
US$4.5 million Cash-based Transfers (CBT) completed in June
US$45.2 million six months (July-December 2023) net funding requirements
998,556 people assisted in June 2023
Operational Updates
In response to the rapidly escalating need for nutrition support, WFP has scaled-up its Targeted Supplementary Feeding Programme (TSFP) in Sindh and Balochistan provinces, along with a Blanket Supplementary Feeding Programme (BSFP) in Sindh. As of June 2023, a total of 109,475 beneficiaries – including 39,066 Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women (PBW) and 70,409 children under 5 – received treatment for Moderately Acute Malnutrition (MAM), under the TSFP. Through WFP’s BSFP nutrition support, a total of 32,737 beneficiaries – including 22,954 PBW and 9,783 children – received specialized nutritious food.
Since August 2022, WFP has supported over 3.8 million flood-affected people with 80,000 mt of food and nutrition assistance and US$30 million in Cash-based Transfers (CBT). WFP has thus far reached 1.01 million people (86 percent of the target) since April, out of a targeted 1.1 million flood-affected people in Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Punjab and Sindh provinces through early recovery interventions.
In June 2023, as part of WFP’s resilience-building interventions, over 800,000 people out of 1.1 million people targeted in all four provinces were engaged in the resilience-building activities, related to flood management infrastructure, soil and water conservation, and activities focused on strengthening livelihoods through community capacity building initiatives.
An IPC Acute Food Insecurity analysis was conducted by FAO in collaboration with WFP and other humanitarian partners across 43 districts. The analysis revealed that approximately 10.5 million people (29 percent of the analyzed population) are classified as IPC Phase 3 (Crisis) and Phase 4 (Emergency) for the period between April and October 2023. Out of this population, approximately 8.45 million people are in IPC 3 and 2.07 million people are in IPC 4. The findings underscore the need for targeted interventions to address regional disparities and promote sustainable recovery and development. The number of people in both phases is expected to increase to 11.81 million (IPC 3: 9.6 million and IPC 4: 2.21 million) between November 2023 and January 2024.
The preliminary analysis from the IPC Acute Malnutrition training and analysis workshop identified 17 districts in Phase 4 (critical) and two districts in Phase 5 (extremely critical) out of the 36 flood-affected districts in Balochistan, KP, and Sindh that were assessed. Findings from the analysis will be available in July and will provide updated information on acute malnutrition in the analyzed districts.
As of June 2023, WFP has assisted 5,301 children under 5 and 2,730 PBW under the Community Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) Surge project in Tharparkar district, Sindh province. The project aims to facilitate the development of practical tools to strengthen provincial and district health authorities’ capacity to respond to seasonal surges in malnutrition cases. CMAM Surge set-ups were established in 12 target health institutions, including one nutrition stabilization centre.
Since its inception in 2021, WFP has cumulatively provided 769,961 PBW and children under 2 with Specialized Nutritious Food (SNF) and cash stipends under the Benazir Nashonuma Programme, Pakistan’s nationwide stunting prevention programme. The programme is currently implemented through 488 fully operational Facilitation Centres (FCs) in 157 districts across Pakistan. The programme aims to expand support to 1.7 million PBW and children in all districts of Pakistan by June 2024.
WFP continues to facilitate the transport of food commodities from Pakistan to Afghanistan, as part of its support to the humanitarian response. In June 2023, WFP dispatched 6,115 mt of food to Afghanistan. This brings the total amount of locally and internationally produced commodities dispatched to 490,260 mt (valued at US$204 million) since August 2021.
In mid-June 2023, Cyclone Biparjoy brought strong winds and heavy rains, resulting in 4 fatalities, 5 injuries, 2,460 partially damaged and 190 fully damaged homes in Sindh province. In anticipation of the cyclone’s potential severity, WFP rapidly accelerated cash disbursements to support 30,350 households (192,275 individuals). The recipients comprised of pre-existing verified registrants related to ongoing flood recovery activities. They were also identified as highly food-insecure beneficiaries in IPC 4 locations who were vulnerable to recurring shocks and most directly threatened by the cyclone. Each household subsequently received US$42 as a one-off assistance.