In Numbers
1,729 mt of food assistance distributed
US$ 613,000 cash-based transfers made
US$ 19.3 m six months (September 2019 - February 2020) net funding requirements
226,000 people assisted in July 2019
Operational Updates
• Drought Response in Sindh and Balochistan:
o The shock responsive safety net project will be launched in three drought-affected districts of Balochistan Province soon. Two districts, Killa Abdullah and Noshki, are confirmed. The third is under approval, following a request from the Balochistan Provincial Disaster Management Authority.
o WFP implemented the second cycle of its UN Central Emergency Response Fund-funded livelihood support programme in drought-affected Killa Abdullah District, for which cash disbursements are ongoing. WFP also requested proposals from potential cooperating partners in August for a planned expansion of the programme in two additional districts of Balochistan (Chaghi and Washuk).
o WFP is implementing Community Based Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) activities in Tharparkar and Killa Abdullah districts. In other nutrition support programming, WFP has finalized agreements with Nutrition Cells, of the respective Provincial Government Departments of Health and practical implementation will start in September.
• In August, WFP provided relief food assistance to 15,000 families who remain displaced in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, as a result of othe law enforcement operations in the region.
• WFP continues to implement a livelihood support programme in five tribal districts of former FATA to help them recover critical livelihood assets. Invited participants (who are selected based on vulnerability) receive and conditional cash or food transfer for attending vocational skill trainings.
• WFP is coordinating with the School Education Department, Government of Punjab to initiate an extensive school meals programme. WFP has shared a draft project document and memorandum of understanding with the department for their review.
• WFP attended a district Technical Working Group meeting alongside stakeholders in the operational research initiative for stunting prevention through social protection in Rahim Yar Khan. During the meeting, which took place in Islamabad, the research partner, Agha Khan University shared the final project progress and process evaluation results. WFP is in the process of hiring an international consultant to carry out the cost-effectiveness for the study.
• As part of the Chakki wheat-flour fortification project, the selection process for partners to procure microfeeders, conduct a chakki mapping activity and run a media campaign is in process.
• In August, WFP also conducted a three-day extensive fortification training session for staff from food department officials and mills on hazard analyses and critical control plans, fortification monitoring and quality assurance/quality control. This training session was organized in Islamadad.