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WFP Pakistan | Brief Reporting period: 01 October – 31 December 2015


Summary of WFP assistance:

WFP’s relief operation aims to improve food and nutrition security among the most vulnerable, support the Government of Pakistan’s efforts in building social cohesion in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) and address malnutrition in the most food insecure districts. Specific activities include: life-saving relief food assistance to IDPs and new returnees; school feeding and livelihoods support activities in areas of return in FATA; nutrition programmes both in FATA and across the country; community based disaster risk reduction interventions in the most hazard prone and food insecure locations; and developing the Government’s capabilities in disaster risk management.

WFP’s initiative in developing and producing specialised nutritious products for the treatment and prevention of malnutrition — Acha Mum, Wawa Mum, High Energy Biscuits (HEB) — supports local producers to improve quality and quantity, helping stimulate the economy, creating employment and raising food safety standards. WFP’s nutritional product development in Pakistan is a model for other countries and plays an important role in decreasing child malnutrition throughout the region. WFP purchases most commodities for its food assistance locally. WFP mills wheat locally and fortifies it with an enhanced vitamin and mineral premix. Along with key actors, WFP supports a national strategy for wheat flour fortification—an inexpensive, effective, and easily achievable nutrition intervention—that builds local capacity to mill and fortify wheat for the commercial sector.

In order to place nutrition at the centre of the national development agenda and support the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 2, “End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture”, WFP supported and will continue to support the government in initiatives such as Zero Hunger (since 2012 under the Millennium Development Goals–MDG 1) and Scale-Up Nutrition (SUN) to formulate multi-sectoral policies and strategies.

WFP also supports the Ministry of National Food Security and Research (MNFSR) for food security analysis which provides an evidence base for informed programming and policy decision making.
The Humanitarian Response Facilities (HRF) project includes the installation of such facilities in designated strategic locations at provincial level. The project augments the emergency and disaster response capabilities of the government as well as the international humanitarian community. The HRF are being managed by the Provincial Disaster Management Authorities (PDMAs) and store disaster relief equipment.