• In southern Pakistan, an estimated 5 million people are affected by drought in 26 districts of Sindh and Balochistan provinces due to rise in temperatures, adverse effects of El Niño, and decrease in rainfall during the monsoon season.
• In the drought affected areas, 69,424 children (6-59 months old), of whom 49% are girls, were screened for severe acute malnutrition (SAM). 4,358 children have been enrolled in the outpatient therapeutic programme and 28,658 children (52% girls) have been provided with multi-micronutrient supplements.
• 159,569 people were reached through health education messages and 46,304 children were immunized against measles. Iron and folic acid supplementation was also provided to 15,429 pregnant and lactating mothers (PLWs) in the drought affected areas of Sindh and Balochistan.
• Newly merged districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province saw a continuing return of temporarily displaced persons but programme achievements have been constrained due to lack of humanitarian funding. Development funds were therefore leveraged to achieve results. 71,863 people were reached with Health and WASH awareness messages and 4,171 children were provided with SAM treatment while 38,088 children received micronutrient supplements.
Additionally, 81,998 births (44.5% girls) were registered in the newly merged districts.
• The HIV outbreak in Sindh has been declared by WHO as a ‘Grade-2 Emergency’ and upon the request of the Government, UNICEF developed a HIV Response Plan, communication strategy and IEC materials. Moreover, UNICEF has supported the establishment of a HIV treatment centre in the area.
7,900,000 people including 4.1 million children affected by drought and TDP returnees in Pakistan (Pakistan HAC 2019)
16,780 families remain displaced in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa merged districts (Pakistan Humanitarian Dashboard-Transition, OCHA, 30 June 2019)
1,024 individuals including 824 children tested positive for HIV and AIDS in Sindh (Government of Sindh, HIV outbreak daily report)
57,741 Children to be reached with SAM treatment
UNICEF 2019 Appeal US$ 46.8 million
Situation Overview and Humanitarian Needs
Southern Pakistan, i.e. districts in Balochistan and Sindh provinces, remain affected by the impacts of the worst drought since 20001 which were further exacerbated by a rise in temperatures, adverse effects of El Nino and a decrease in rainfall during the monsoon season in 2018. These factors have contributed to an increased loss of the livestock, food insecurity, malnutrition, and negatively impacted the health and nutrition status of mothers and children in the affected areas. Neonatal and infant mortality rates and maternal mortality ratio remain high compared to the rest of the country. Child malnutrition with acute malnutrition rates are also as high as 29.1 per cent in Sindh, more than double the emergency threshold. The harsh terrain, thinly dispersed populations, poor infrastructure, lack of health services, deprived socio-economic indicators are also exacerbating the already deteriorating conditions with the drought-like situation. The drought has affected an estimated five million people in 26 districts in Sindh and Balochistan provinces. Of these, some 2.1 million people are targeted for life-saving emergency assistance.