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UNICEF Pakistan COVID-19 Humanitarian Situation Report No. 27: 1 – 31st July 2021



  • Pakistan is facing the fourth wave of COVID-19 cases starting from July, there have been 1,029,811 confirmed COVID-19 cases and 23,360 deaths reported with a positivity rate of 7.7 per cent in the country on 31st July. (
  • Over 50.7 million people have been reached with messages on COVID-19 prevention and on access to services.
  • Through UNICEF supported health sites, 103,512 children were admitted for Severe Acute Malnutrition treatment.
  • Over 2.64 million people benefited from continuity of primary healthcare services at UNICEF supported health facilities
  • UNICEF has reached 317,457 parents, caregivers, children and individuals with psychosocial support through trained social workforce.
  • Through UNICEF support 1,500,000 people have been reached with handwashing behaviour change programme.
  • 5% of Pakistan’s target population is fully vaccinated whereas; 18% is partially vaccinated.