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Pakistan + 2 more

UNHCR Islamic Republic of Pakistan Fact Sheet - 31 October 2019


*5,501 registered refugees who returned to Afghanistan between 1 March – 31 October 2019

17,870 Afghan refugees whose births were registered between 1 January – 31 October 2019

27,004 Afghan refugees who have received legal assistance since 1 January 2019

151 schools supported by UNHCR for 56,000 refugee students

5,288 patients treated in 38 health facilities supported by UNHCR

2,145 persons (Afghan refugees and Pakistani nationals) received livelihood assistance

Working with partners

  • UNHCR collaborates closely with the Government of Pakistan. It works jointly with the Ministry of States and Frontier Regions (SAFRON), as well as the Chief Commissionerate for Afghan Refugees and the Commissionerates for Afghan Refugees at the federal and provincial levels, respectively. Of particular importance has also been continued collaboration with line ministries.

  • UNHCR partners with a range of national and international non-governmental organizations to provide protection and humanitarian assistance, as well as collaborates with non-implementing partners, such as the World Bank, sister UN agencies and private sector partners.