UN-HABITAT, the United Nations agency for Human Settlements, as part of their disaster risk management activities has initiated a mass information campaign. Under the Pakistan Settlements Flood Recovery Project funded by the Government of Japan, UN-HABITAT has produced a calendar for the year 2012 and an interactive board game “The Indus River Game” by successfully applying disaster risk reduction approach. These include the messages of safe construction and preparedness for anticipated floods in the future. These messages have been developed with an aim to empower communities and increase their resilience towards disasters throughout Pakistan. The game and calendar have been produced, keeping in mind the different kinds of disasters that have happened in Pakistan. Graphic illustrations have been used for easy understanding by the masses and at the same time for appeal to a wider audience.
UN-HABITAT has, with a team of legal experts also prepared a simple guide to introduce the principle elements of land administration systems in this country. The guide has been published as part of the response to the initiative on housing and land so that people can understand the complex land administration system in Pakistan in a very simple and elaborative manner. The “Guide on Land and Property Rights” can be of use to donor agencies, international affairs organizations, national civil society organizations, lawyers and community leaders engaged in relief, rehabilitation, development or other similar works that necessitate some basic information about the general features of the rural land administration system in Pakistan.
The information campaign includes a useful “Guideline for Community Infrastructure” which provides technical support on community infrastructure projects. UN-HABITAT has been involved in community infrastructure development through the generous support of Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) under the project titled “Facilitating the return of IDPs through Rehabilitation of Community Infrastructure and Facilities in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa”. This will guide engineers on better construction techniques. The target audience is particularly the smaller NGO Community in Pakistan, which may not have access to adequate engineering advice.
Additionally, through the launch of a community participation booklet for the flood affectees, UN-HABITAT is focusing on a peoples’ approach as part of their effort towards building a stronger community by encouraging collective participation in self-recovery.