Heavy monsoon rains over the last month have caused widespread flooding of homes, livestock, food stores and farmland in Pakistan’s southern province of Sindh. The plight of the affected, particularly the displaced population, is a dire situation which requires an immediate response. Over 5.4 million people have been impacted and the Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that 70% of standing crops have been destroyed. The majority of Sindh residents are poor and landless, relying on agriculture and livestock production in order to provide for their families.
“Three acres of my crops have been submerged in water along with the wheat we saved for home consumption,” explained farmer Jam Joseph. Both Jam and his wife Mebhai are now faced with the threat of a food shortage for their family. “We do not have crops; we saved sixty maunds (2,400 kilograms) of wheat for food and that has all gone away.”
These floods represent a second devastating blow to farming families in Sindh province. Last year’s floods and pre-existing poor conditions for food and nutrition left millions unable to access enough food. In these months immediately following this year’s disaster, not only do families require assistance meeting food consumption needs, it is also critical that agricultural lands are quickly rehabilitated. The next planting season begins in approximately five weeks. Major crops to be planted include wheat and pulses. If the planting season is missed, it will severely affect next spring’s harvest, income earning opportunities, food supply, and also increase food insecurity and malnutrition, with affects throughout the country.
PWS&D is working in partnership with Canadian Foodgrains Bank to support 2,000 families with food packages for two months. With your help, we also hope to be able to provide other needed support such as tents, health services and emergency supplies.
You Can Help
With your prayers and financial support, you can help ensure those who are most vulnerable receive nutritious food and emergency supplies in order to assist them during this time of great need. You can make a donation through your church, by mailing a cheque to the office, donating online or calling PWS&D at 1-800-619-7301 ext. 291. Please mark all donations as “Pakistan Flood Relief.”