Polio this week as of 8 February 2017
As the low season for poliovirus transmission continues, the first wild poliovirus case from acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) in the calendar year 2017 is reported from Afghanistan. Wild poliovirus type 1 positive samples from 2017 had previously been reported from environmental samples in Pakistan. Both countries continue to intensify their eradication efforts to urgently interrupt any residual virus transmission.
Summary of newly-reported viruses this week (see country-specific sections below for further details): Afghanistan – one wild poliovirus type 1 (WPV1) case; Pakistan – three WPV1 positive environmental samples.
NA: onset of paralysis in most recent case is prior to 2015. Figures exclude non-AFP sources. Lao PDR cVDPV1, all others cVDPV2. cVDPV definition: see document “Reporting and classification of vaccine-derived polioviruses” at [pdf]