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Pakistan: Travel NOC Factsheet for KP and FATA (Source: NGOs and UN) (October- December 2015)


Key Findings

Of a total 93 travel NOCs submitted by 5 INGOs and 6 UN agencies, 67 were approved, 19 refused and 5 remained in process between Octobers to December 2015.

• Of 40 FATA NOC applications, 21 approved, 16 refused and 3 remained in process at the end of the reporting period.

• Of 53 KP NOC applications, 46 approved, 3 refused and 4 remained in process at the end of the reporting period.

• The average processing time for KP is 7 days which ranges from 1- 55 days and for FATA 13 days that ranges from 1-55 days. Which is higher than previous quarter.

Source: Travel no objection certicate (NOC) data was collected from 6 UN agencies whereas PHF provided the data from 5 INGOs. This data is representative of the total NOC application information. The ofcial process time is 7 days for both KP and FATA.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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