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Pakistan: Revised Plan 2011 (MAAPK002)


Executive summary

This plan supports the core programmes of the Pakistan Red Crescent Society (PRCS) for 2011, building on the previous biennial plan. It focuses on the four core areas of disaster management; health and care; organizational development; and the promotion of humanitarian principles and values.

The first annual plan in four years was launched in 2010. Prior to that, no Federation support plan was launched due to the ongoing operations for the earthquake in October 2005, Cyclone Yemyin/floods in July 2007. In 2009, an emergency appeal was launched to assist some 6,000 families who were internally displaced by military conflict. The year 2010 experienced several disasters strike the country: landslides and floods in Hunza, Northern Pakistan in June; Cyclone Phet which struck parts of the Sindh province also in June; and the current ongoing monsoon floods which swept across the country from late July and constitutes the largest flood recorded in Pakistan's history.

Recent years have seen a volatile security environment in Pakistan. With concluding the military operations in the Swat valley and surrounding areas towards the end of 2009, the internally displaced population was encouraged to peacefully return to their homes and restart their livelihoods. Since July 2010, an extraordinarily heavy monsoon struck the country. The military responded immediately for life saving operations; consequently operations in the conflict area against the militants were curtailed to a minimum, resulting in a relatively quiet period during August and September 2010. Militant operations such as attacks on NATO convoys, kidnappings for ransom and assassinations of important local personalities continued in different parts of the country. This caused complications in ongoing flood operations, including Punjab province where local authorities have insisted on sending armed escorts with field relief teams.

The total budget for 2011 is CHF 3,078,879 (USD 3,132,513 or EUR 2,246,073)