- Introduction
Pakistan has been severely affected by the global economic crises, high inflation and an acute energy crisis, which is crippling the country’s productivity. Foreign investment has not returned, due to investor concerns related to governance, energy, security, and a slow-down in the global economy. According to UNDP's Human Development Index 2011, Pakistan is ranked 145 out of 187 countries – ranking well below the South Asia regional average. Relations between Pakistan and the US continued to be strained due to differences related to the war on terrorism. More recently, the release of the anti-Islam film has caused widespread protests throughout the country. Security remains a dominating issue in the context of Pakistan, affecting nearly all aspects of programming for INGOs. The volatile security situation creates difficulties in accessing programme areas, particularly for international staff.
Progress and development at government and local levels (against PRSPs/development plans)
Concern’s programmes continue to align with Pakistan’s Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP), and particularly with the key pillars identified for poverty reduction of protecting the poor and vulnerable, increasing productivity in agriculture, human development and good governance. Moreover, Concern’s programmes compliment the PRSP through mainstreaming gender equality throughout its programming. Under this CSP, the core programme focus areas will be Food, Income and Markets (FIM), Health (primarily environmental health) and Emergency Response with a plan to expand the thematic focus to the education sector. In line with Concern’s Humanitarian Accountability Partnership (HAP) commitments, the CSP additionally sets out the commitment to improving programme quality and strengthening accountability to the beneficiaries and stakeholders and the programme will pilot guidelines for Accountability to Partners and to Beneficiaries when working with Partners.
In January 2013, Concern Pakistan will begin the third year of its third Country Strategic Plan (CSP 2011-2015). In terms of long term development programming, the EU funded WASH project in KPK (3 years, starting from Jan-2011) and the South Punjab Livelihood Security Programme (5 years duration) will continue as planned. EU funded Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) programme (42 months, starting from Sep-2012) will continue in the northern districts of Balochistan.
During 2013, Concern Pakistan will continue to respond to the unmet relief, recovery and rehabilitation needs of the conflict and floods (2010 & 2011) affected communities in KPK, Punjab and Sindh provinces. OFDA funded RAPID Fund Programme will continue until September 2013, responding to the humanitarian needs of flood and conflict affected populations in Pakistan. In line with our emergency response strategy, Concern will also continue to work with our emergency partners and maintain our capacity to respond effectively to emergencies across the country. Concern will continue to identify potential donors for recovery and rehabilitation programming in the floods and conflict affected areas.
Concern will ensure the incorporation of lessons learned into future programming and will continue with our on-going efforts to mainstream DRR, equality, HIV&AIDS and protection throughout our programmes and organizational policies.