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Pakistan: NDMA Situation Report No. 6 Earthquake in Balochistan

(For Period 310900AM - 312100 PM)

1. General.

The exercise to extend the relief efforts to the isolated and far flung areas proved to be of great dividend, as number of homeless & injured affectees were reached and looked after. The pace of relief operation remained steady & pursuance of focused approach remained hallmark of the activities.

2. Update

a. Employment of Military/CAF Resources

(1) Manpower

(a) 1328 x all ranks committed.

(b) 3 x Medical teams ex army & CAF in village Khawas, Wankotli, and Wachan working in situ.

(c) Damage assessment in process through aerial/ground reconnaissance parties.

(2) Material

(a) 15 x Helicopters engaged.

(b) Medicines and medical stores delivered to affected areas.

(c) Air/Road Transportation of Relief Stores Completed/ In Hand.

(1) Blankets: 10000

(2) Tents: 5000

(3) Warm Jackets: 8,8 00

(4) Plastic Mats: 12,000

(5) Sleeping Bags: 1472

(6) Family Ration Packs: 10,000 (With stoves, 7 days food in each)

(7) Ghee: 500 tin (5 Kg each)

b. Assistance by Public/ Private Sources

(1) Government of Balochistan

(a) 18 x Ambulances with emergency kit

(b) 18 x Medical Teams

(c) Medicines worth Rs 3.1 Million

(d) 7000 x Bags flour (with 20 Kg each)

(2) Pakistan Red Crescent Society

(a) Tents - 300

(b) Blankets - 1800

(c) Plastic Sheets - 1200

(3) National Volunteer Movement

(a) Blanket - 600

(b) Coats - 500

(c) Caps - 500

(d) Used Cloths - 6 packs

c. Provision of relief items by PDMAs.

(1) PDMA Balochistan

(a) Tents - 1000

(b) Blankets (Quilts) - 1470

(c) Sugar Bags - 150 (50 Kgs each)

(d) Rice Bags - 150 (50 Kgs each)

(e) Tea Cartons - 60 (15 Kgs each)

(2) PDMA NWFP, Peshawar

(a) Blankets - 5000

(b) Net Mosquito - 2000

(c) Medicines - 3 x Trucks

d. Dead/Injured. 155 confirmed dead, Over 375 injured.

e. Damage Assessment.

(1) 6350-7300 people displaced

(2) Over 2000 houses damaged

3. Offers by Overseas/Foreign Donors.

Being evaluated as per approved policy.