(For Period 300900 AM - 302100 PM)
1. General.
The rescue and relief activities continued in the disaster hit areas on the second day of the disaster under the auspices of National Disaster Management Authority. As per the direction of President and Prime Minister, a focused approach is being relentlessly pursued to rise to the challenge.
2. Update
a. Employment of Military/CAF Resources
(1) Manpower
(a) 748 x all ranks committed.
(b) 3 x Medical teams ex army & CAF in village khawas, wankotli, and Wachan working in situ.
(c) Damage assessment in process through aerial/ground reconnaissance parties.
(2) Material
(a) 15 x Helicopters engaged.
(b) Medicines and medical stores delivered to affected areas.
(c) Air/Road Transportation of Relief Stores Completed/ In Hand.
(1) Blankets: 10000
(2)Tents: 5000
(3) Warm Jackets: 8,8 00
(4) Plastic mats: 12,000
(5) Sleeping bags: 1,000
(6) Ration packs: 10,000 (With stoves)
(7) Ghee: 500 tin (5 kg each)
b. Assistance by Public/ Private Sources
(1) Government of Balochistan
(a) 18 x Ambulances with emergency kit
(b) 18 x Medical Teams
(c) Medicines worth 3.1 million
(d) 7000 x Bags flour (with 20 kg each)
(2) Pakistan Red Crescent Society
(a) Tents - 300
(b) Blankets - 1800
(c) Plastic Sheets - 1200
(d) Coal Stove - 300
c. Provision of relief items by PDMA.
PDMA Balochistan provided following relief items:-
(1) Tents - 700
(2) Blankets - 900
(3) Sugar Bags - 150 (50 Kgs each)
(4) Rice Bags - 150 (50 Kgs each)
(5) Tea Carton - 60 (15 Kgs each)
d. Death/Injured.
145 confirmed dead, 257 injured.
e. Damages Assessment.
(1) 2900-3375peoples displaced
(2) Over 2000 x houses damaged
3. Offers by Overseas/Foreign Donors.
Being evaluated as per approved policy.