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Pakistan: Monthly Morbidity and Mortality Report No. 41-44, 18 Nov 2008


The Monthly Morbidity and Mortality Report (MMMR) is published by the Ministry of Health of Pakistan (MOH) and the World Health Organization (WHO). The MMMR is built on surveillance data that health service providers and NGOs transmit on a weekly basis from health facilities and hospitals in those areas affected by the earthquake that struck Pakistan on 8 October 2005.

The MMMR objectives are to monitor the trend of health conditions over a period of time and provide vital information to all health partners. The MMMR is only a snapshot of the health conditions in those facilities where events are registered and data collected and does not necessarily reflect the situation from other health facilities.

The MMMR is a publication that has been developed for emergencies and previously used in other areas such as the Darfur Crisis.

The MMMR is produced with the financial support of AAI Australia, Americares, CIDA, Denmark, DFID, ECHO, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Monaco, Norway, SIDA, Slovak Republic, Switzerland, Turkey, USAID.


- In weeks 41-44, 2008 a total of 506,054 consultations reported for all the DEWS reporting districts.

- ARI (Upper and Lower) is the leading cause of consultation in all the affected districts (23%)

- Acute Diarrhoea is the second most common reason for consultations in all the affected districts (8%)

- In Balochistan, suspected malaria was reported to be the most common cause of consultations (20%)

- In districts Dadu and Kamber (Sindh), malaria was reported to be the second highest reason for consultation with 15,060 cases of suspected malaria.

- From the Earthquake districts of AJK and NWFP, three alerts were received and investigated accordingly, two from Battagram (Acute flaccid paralysis) and one from Muzaffarabad (Pertussis) and the result was negative.

- There were no alerts/outbreaks reported from flood affected districts.