During the week (8th to 14th July, 2024), rainfall was recorded across most of the country except western Balochistan and northern Sindh. The spatial distribution of rainfall is shown in Fig 5. The Fig 6 shows the departure of the rainfall from the normal (1991-2020). Most of the areasreceived below normal rainfall except Skardu and Bahawalnagar where rainfall remained above normal.
During the aforesaid week, the spatial distribution of mean temperature is shown in Fig 7 and departure of mean temperature from normal (1991-2020) in Fig 8. Mean temperatures remained above normal across the country ranging from 1°C to 3°C. Whereas, various parts of Gilgit Baltistan recorded 1°C to 2°C below normal temperatures.
The spatial distribution of normal rainfall is shown in Fig 9. Normal rainfall is 0 to 10 millimeter (mm) in southern part and 10.1 to 80 mm in northern part of the country. While normal mean temperature during the period is shown in the Fig 10. It ranges from 19°C to 37°C.
Fig 11 shows surface soil moisture for period 25 June to 01 July 2024. This product is based on NASA terrestrial water storage observations derived from GRACE-FO satellite data and integrated with other observations, using a sophisticated numerical model of land surface water and energy processes. The drought indicators describe current wet or dry conditions, expressed as a percentile showing the probability of occurrence for that particular location and time of year, with lower values (warm colors) meaning dryer than normal, and higher values (blues) meaning wetter than normal.
Duration of Forecast: 14th to 19th July, 2024
From 14th to July 19th, 2024, Pakistan will receive across most of the country. As per the forecast, temperatures in southern areas are expected to remain below normal. For more details on forecast, visit PMD official website: https://nwfc.pmd.gov.pk/new/press-releases.php For drought update, visit NDMC official website: https://ndmc.pmd.gov.pk/new/