Islamabad, Sep 3rd, 2009: The custodian of two holy mosques, King Abudllah bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud has sent special dates weighing 50 tons, for onward distribution among the October 8, 2005 Earthquake affectees.
Saudi Public Assistance for Pakistan Earthquake Victims (SPAPEV)'s Regional Director while collecting the cartons filled with special dates from Saudi Arabia, told newsmen here that
" These packets of dates would be distributed among the quake affectees of AJK and NWFP.
This special consignment was sent under the instructions of King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz in a goodwill gesture for the earthquake affectees.
"Giving details of the Organization's relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction work, which is continued unabatedly here in the quake-hit areas of AJK and NWFP soon after the October 8, Earthquake, on the directives of the custodian of two holy mosques and under the supervision of Saudi Interior Minister, he said that so far, the SPAPEV team had dispatched a large number of loaded trucks with relief goods worth millions of Riyals for the distribution among quake-stricken areas.
Besides the relief work, he said that the SPAPEV has also completed 4000 pre-fabricated houses with the cost of 18.5 million US dollar, to settle the displaced families of Balakot falling in the Red Zone.
Similarly, the Organization is also completing another project of housing costing over US 22 million dollar for the quake-affectees of Bagh and Muzaffarabad, while a project of 20 schools amounting 1.5 million US dollar had already been handed over to Read foundation running the chain of educational institutions in Azad Jammu & Kashmir quake-hit areas.
He further stated that to provide modern health facilities to earthquake affected people; some seven fully equipped Basic Health Units in collaboration with UNICEF are also being completed in different areas of Abbottabad, and Muzaffarabad including the accommodation facilities for medical as well as para-medical staff.
He also told that work on five secondary schools is in progress and soon this project would be handed over to the concerned authorities of the area.
He said that Saudi Arabia will continue helping the quake-affected people till their complete rehabilitation and added that the bond of relationship would further be cemented in days to come.
He also mentioned that Saudi Ambassador in Pakistan is immensely supporting the Organization in all of its ongoing projects.
Saudi Public Assistance for Pakisatan Earthquake Victims is a Saudi based relief organization, which is formed in Riyadh to ensure the best utilization of Saudi public donations collected from the Saudi people on the call of Saudi Government to help Oct 8, 2005 earthquake affectees in Pakistan.
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