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Pakistan: King Abdullah sends over 1,500 cartons of special dates for quake affectees

Islamabad, Mar 31st, 2009: The custodian of two holy mosques, King Abudllah bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud has sent over 1500 cartons of special dates weighing 30 tons to Islamabad for onward distribution among the quake affectees of October 8, 2005 earthquake.

Saudi Public Assistance for Pakistan Earthquake Victims, (SPAPEV) Media Director, While collecting the cartons of special dates from Saudi Arabia, told newsmen that these packets of dates would be distributed among the quake affectees of AJK and NWFP.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's special consignment carrying dates was sent under the instructions of King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud, The custodian of two holy mosques, on a gesture of goodwill for the people of earthquake.

"The relief goods worth millions of Saudi Riyals were collected from the people of Saudi Arabia and sent by Saudi Government to our organization for onward distribution among the affectees of October 8 devastating earthquake " he told newsmen.

Media Director SPAPEV said that our mission is to help revive the lives of Pakistani brethren who were badly affected in the earthquake related incidents.

Following the mission, and direction of our leadership in Saudi Arabia, King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz, and Prince Naif Bin Abdul Aziz, (Interior Minister of Saudi Arabia) who is also the General Supervisor of the SPAPEV, our team is working here and started distribution of relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction work in quake affected areas of Pakistan.

The organization (SPAPEV) has recently handed over some 4,000 pre-fabricated houses for Balakot families and the project was completed at a cost of 18.5 million US dollar.

Another similar project of 4,000 houses costing 22.1 million US dollar is being constructed for the quake-hit people of Bagh and Muzaffarabad.

Other than this, in recent year, our organization has also provided a huge quantity of relief goods worth millions of Saudi Riyals to NWFP and Balochistan quake affectees.


Saudi Public Assistance for Pakisatan Earthquake Victims is a Saudi based relief organization, which is formed in Riyadh to ensure the best utilization of Saudi public donations collected from the Saudi people on the call of Saudi Government to help Oct 8, 2005 earthquake affectees in Pakistan.

Media Contact:

Address: H.No: 227, Main Margallah Road, F-10/3, Islamabad
Ph: +92512298737 Ext: 108
Fax: +92512292004