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Pakistan: Inter-Cluster Mission to NWA (North Waziristan Agency FATA) 26-29 January 2016


An inter-Cluster assessment mission was conducted to Mir Ali Tehsil in North Waziristan Agency (NWA) from 26–29 January 2016. The mission covered a sample of six out of the ten villages that were recently de-notified by authorities. The Government has planned to facilitate the return of some 5,000 to 7,000 families to these areas.

Key findings

• An estimated 10 per cent of private houses were damaged due conflict and 1.5 years of weather damage.

• No crops were being cultivated and orchards are severely damaged. Irrigation infrastructure is blocked and/or damaged due to the lack of maintenance.

• Mir Ali returnees do not have suitable access to the current food distribution hubs in NWA.

• Existing health facilities are only lightly damaged but non-functional due to lack of trained staff (including female staff) and basic equipment has been badly damaged or destroyed.

• Schools for boys and girls are intact but require rennovations after long closures (especially to WASH facilities). There is a lack of female teachers and education supplies.

• Malnutrition among IDPs was observed at the embarkation points, and nutrition services are lacking due to the general state of health facilities.


• Provision of seeds and tools for the upcoming cultivation season.

• Rehabilitation of water systems as well as purification and solar assistance.

• Establish an additional food distribution hub accessible to Mir Ali.

• Strengthening health facilities through skilled staffing, equipment, medicine and vaccination and nutrition services.

• Distribution of emergency shelter supplies and toolkits.

• School repairs, skilled male and female teachers, school supplies and WASH facilities are all required.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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