1.1 Public health impact of the COVID-19 epidemic– (As of 14 April)
Over 5719 people have reportedly been infected in Pakistan during the global COVID-19 pandemic. Since the first two case detected in late February, some 96 people have lost their lives fighting the deadly disease, while the spread of the disease has reached over 105 out of 158 districts across Pakistan, the highest number of cases were reported in Punjab followed by Sindh. The least affected region with 35 reported cases and no recorded deaths so far, is Pakistan Administered Kashmir.
The Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, with support from international and national humanitarian and development partners, have responded to the pandemic by strengthening response coordination, case management, disease surveillance, testing services in laboratories, strengthening health systems, and community mobilization, sensitization and empowerment to cope with the negative impact of the COVID-19. To mitigate the impact of the disruption of daily life, it has taken a number of initiatives, including a cash disbursement of $80 - $82 per month to 12 million families through the Pakistan Social Protection programme (Ehsaas)
Although early protective measures taken by the Government resulted in containing the spread of the infection in the early weeks of the pandemic, a steady increase has been recorded in the notified cases since Mid-March. As shown in figure 1, the highest number of cases reported in a single day is 577 people on 6 April 2020. A cumulative depiction of reported cases can be seen in figure 2.
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
- To learn more about OCHA's activities, please visit